Protestant Reformers O

Protestant Reformers O continues the Online Christian Library with the German reformer, Caspar Olevian, who co-authored the Heidelberg Catechism. Olevian, born in Trier, the son of a baker, attended a course of studies in Paris, and then went on to pursue the study of law. It was during this time that he came under the influence of the teachings of the Reformation.

Invited, in 1560, by Frederick III to the University of Heidelberg, he became acquainted with Louis VI, Frederick's son, who was strongly Lutheran in conviction. Louis attempted to turn the university away from the teaching of the Heidelberg catechism, and banned Olevian from teaching. 

Moving to Berleburg, Olevian published several works on the Covenant of Grace, including a commentary on the Epistle to the Galatians. 

When asked on his deathbed, "Are you undoubtedly sure of your salvation, as you taught others constantly?"

His reply was, "Most certain!"

1  Abel Redevivus or the Dead yet Speaking, by Thomas Fuller. In Two Volumes. Volume 1 (1867) (Berengarius, John Wickliffe, John Huss, Jerome of Prague, Martin Luther, Desiderius Erasmus, Huldericus Zuinglius, John Colet, John Oecolampadius, John Frith, Thomas Bilney, William Tindale, Urbanus Regius, Carolostadius, Capito, Leo Judae, Myconius, John Diazius, Cruciger, Paulus Fagius, Martin Bucer, Caspar Hedio, George Prince of Anhali, Justus Jonas, John Rogers, Laurence Saunders, John Hooper, Rowland Tailor, John Bradford, Nicholas Ridley, Peter Martyr, Hugh Latimer, John Philpot, Thomas Cranmer, Conrad Pellican, Bugenhagius, Philip Melancthon, John A Lasco, Augustine Marlorat, Amsdorfius, Wolfgangus Musculus, Hyperius (Andreas Gerardus), John Calvin, William Farellus, Vergerius, Strigelius, John Brentius, Peter Viretus, John Jewel, Zegedine)

1  Abel Redevivus or the Dead yet Speaking, by Thomas Fuller. In Two Volumes. Volume 2 (1867) (John Knox, Peter Ramus, Matthew Parker, Henry Bullinger, Edward Dering, Flacius Illyricus, Josias Simlerus, Immanuel Tremellius, Peter Boquine, William Grindal, Bernard Gilpin, Zachary Ursin, Abraham Bucholtzer, John Wigandus, Martin Chemnitius, Rodolphus Gualterus, Caspar Olevian, John Fox, George Sohnius, Laurence Humphrey, James Andreas, Hieronymus Zanchius, Anthony Sadeel, William Whitaker, Lambert Danaeus, Robert Rollock, Nicholas Hemmingius, James Heerbrand, David Chytraeus, Alexander Nowell, Daniel Tossanus, William Perkins, Lancelot Andrewes, Franciscus Junius, Edwin Sandys, Gervase Babington, John Whitgift, Lucas Trelcatius, Theodorus Beza, John Reinolds, Joseph Scaliger, Amandus Polanus, Thomas Holland, John Bale, Andreas Gerardus, Benedictus Aretius, John Drusius, John James Grynaeus, Robert Abbot, William Cowper, John Piscator, Andrew Willet, David Pareus)

2  An Exposition of the Symbol of the Apostles, or Rather of the Articles of Faith: Gathered out of the Catechizing Sermons of Gasper Olevian Trevir. (1581)

The following is an excerpt from Olevian's, An Exposition of the Symbols of the Apostles.

Of all the faults that we fall into, in these days of our vanity, (right honorable & my very good Lord) I know none that deserve greater blame, than to be unthankful where we have received benefits. And this is the cause I have taken some pains in this profitable work, (which I am bold under your honors name, to offer to the whole Church of God:) I thought good to leave it in lieu of thankfulness, as a testimony both of your honors love towards the truth of God, and of my humble duty again towards your honor and the whole church of God to all posterity: for who am I that I should not, while life lasteth, live to the profit of the Church?

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