Lutheran Religion J

Lutheran Religion J continues our Online Christian Library with the Lutheran orthodoxy section with the links of the Lutheran books by Henry Jacobs.

1   A History of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in the United States, by Henry Eyster Jacobs, 1844-1932. (1893)

2   A Summary of the Christian Faith. (1905) (An attempt is here made to restate the doctrines of the Christian faith upon the basis of the Lutheran confessions.)

3   Critical and Exegetical Handbook to the Epistle to the Galatians. (1884) (Author: Meyer, Heinrich August Wilhelm, 1800-1873; Venables, G. H., tr; Jacobs, Henry Eyster, 1844-1932. ed; Evans, Maurice J., tr; Dickson, William Purdie, 1823-1901, ed)

4   Annotations on the Epistles of Paul to I Corinthians chapters 7-16, II Corinthians, and Galatians. (1897)

5   Critical and Exegetical Handbook to the Revelation of Jesus Christ to John. (1887) (Author: Düsterdieck, Friedrich Hermann Christian, 1822-1906; Jacobs, Henry Eyster, 1844-1932, editor and translator)

6   First Free Lutheran Diet in America, Philadelphia, Pa., on December 27-28, 1877; the Essays, Debates, and Proceedings. (1878)

7   Lincoln’s Gettysburg World-Message. (1919)

8   Martin Luther, the Hero of the Reformation, by Henry Eyster Jacobs. (1898)

9   Seed-Grains of Prayer: A Manual for Evangelical Christians. (1914)

10  The Doctrinal Theology of the Evangelical Lutheran Church. (1889) (Author: Schmid, Heinrich, 1811-1885; Hay, Charles Augustus, 1821-1893, [from old catalog] tr; Jacobs, Henry Eyster, 1844-1932, joint tr)

11 The German Emigration to America 1709-1740; Part 3 of a Narrative and Critical History, Prepared at the Request of the Pennsylvania-German Society, by Henry Eyster Jacobs. (1898)

12  The Lutheran Encyclopedia. (1899)

13  The Lutheran Movement in England during the Reigns of Henry VIII and Edward VI, and its Literary Monuments, by Henry Eyster Jacobs. (1890)

Lutheran Religion J:

Henry Eyster Jacobs was born in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, in 1844. Graduating from Lutheran Theological Seminary in 1865, he became a professor at the same school. He later was appointed professor of systematic theology at the Lutheran Theological Seminary of Mount Airy, became its dean and finally its president.

The following is an excerpt from the Preface to his book, Lincoln's Gettysburg World-Message

Gettysburg will live in history because of its association with Lincoln even more than as the scene of the decisive battle of the Civil War. As time passes, the details of battles interest chiefly students of military science. Even veterans grow weary of recalling the horrors of the battlefield, and prefer to glory in the end achieved, rather than in the painful experiences through which they have passed. So vast, too, has been the scale upon which battles have been fought in the Great War that has recently ended, that those of preceding wars have been dwarfed into relative insignificance. But the memory of Gettysburg will survive because of the interpretation given the battle by one who was not only the Commander-in-chief of the armies of the Union which there triumphed, but also the great prophet of the cause of civil and religious liberty. The battle itself was only the prelude to the still mightier force that was transmitted in his telling words, which not only sounded the rallying cry for the final struggle of the war, on which the fate of our nation then hung, but which unintentionally gave the signal for the assertion throughout the world of great principles that had hitherto been suppressed.

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