Lords Day 8

Pink Flower

Completing Lords Day 7 and going on to Lords Day 8, this beautiful poetry by David answers questions 23 to 25 of the Heidelberg Catechism. Question 23 begins with a statement of belief, called the Apostles' Creed, which will be examined in the next twelve Lord's Days. On this Lord's day the questions are related to the triune God, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.


Lords Day 8

What Articles Do You Believe

What articles do you believe?
In God the Father Potentate
By Whom the heav'n and earth received
Their being and enduring state
In Jesus Christ His only Son
Of Mary and the Spirit birthed
The Lord Who took our nature on
Who tasted death for our unworth

He suffered under Pilate's hand
Was crucified and buried, dead,
Descended hell's dark shadow land
In three days rising, as He said
To heaven He ascended up
To sit at God's right hand until
He comes to bring His judgment cup
And men and angels drink their fill

In God the Holy Spirit, and
The church that holy catholic lives
The never ending promised land
The God of justice who forgives
The body's resurrection, and
The saint's communing fellowship
On all of these, I take my stand
Confess in heart and life and lip

What plan and order then divides
This statement of your living faith?
Though manifolded many sides
Its line and logic treble hath
Creation, God the Father, and
Deliv'rance God the only Son
The Holy Spirit, cleansing man
Our God who saves us, Three in One

Now since we know that God is one,
Then why as three do you confess
The God Who suffers rivals, none,
As Father, Son, and Spirit bless?
The Word of God reveals him thus
And so I of three persons speak
Distinct, in being, without cause
One true eternal Trinity

April 19, 1996
Lords Day 7 & Lords Day 8 Heidelberg Catechism Questions & Answers 23-25 © Copyright 1996 David L. Croft

Lords Day 8 begins a lengthy section of the Heidelberg Catechism, beginning with the Apostles' Creed. Then, point by point, each truth taught in the Apostles' Creed is examined by the light of Scriptures. We must always remember that any work, such as the Heidelberg Catechism must always be examined by the Bible, itself. Catechisms are wonderful tools to teach the truths taught in the Word of God, but it is the Bible, itself, which is our only standard for belief and practice.

As Christians, this is the attitude we must demonstrate in all aspects of our lives. Everything spoken by man is true only so long as it agrees with God's commandments as given to us in His Word. What a precious liberty we have; let us not lose that freedom through our own neglect of faithfully reading our Bibles.

God, so amazing, so divine, demands my soul, my life, my all!

Lords Day 8

Lords Day 9

Lords Day 7

Heidelberg Catechism Poetry


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