
Regeneration. What does this word really mean and how is it explained in the Bible, God's Holy Word?

Of his own will he brought us forth by the word of truth, that we should be a kind of firstfruits of his creatures.

James 1:18, ESV

Regeneration. What does this word really mean and how is it explained in the Bible, God's Holy Word? Many Bible passages in the New Testament deal with this subject, but none more succinctly than James 1:18. To regenerate means to make new or make again. God created us perfect, but once Adam and Eve sinned, the whole human race was plunged into sin. Thus, it was necessary that we be regenerated or born-again through the perfect sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Regeneration - The Source

James 1:18, though only a few words, carries with it a powerful message. First of all, we are told, "Of his own will he brought us forth by the word of truth."

In other words, we do not have the power to convert or save ourselves. Romans 5:6-8 (NKJV) explains, 

For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.

For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die.

But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

God, then, through Christ, is the source of our regeneration. While we were still in our sins and could do nothing, Christ died for us.

Hebrews 12:2 tells us that God is the author and finisher of our faith. He is the one who gives us the ability to come to Him, and He is the one who will keep us faithful to Him for all of our days on this earth.

Regeneration - The Means

James 1:18 also tells us the means of our regeneration. God saves us and keeps us in Him by the word of his truth. 

Charles Simeon, in his Horae Homileticae states, 

It is "by the word of truth" alone that he savingly converts [us] the word only does he guide us to the knowledge of his truth, and to the attainment of his salvation. By the word he begins the good work within us ... From thence alone can we derive encouragement to lay hold on the hope that is set before us: for the only legitimate object of faith is the word of God; and "without faith, so grounded, we cannot possibly please God. (Hebrews 11:6)."

What an amazing God we serve. He saves us and He keeps us and He guides and instructs us by the word of His truth. In a world where solid truth hardly exists, we can be comforted by God's Word and rest in its truth. 

Regeneration - The Purpose

What is the end or purpose of regeneration? We are the first fruits of God's creatures. In other words, we have are bound to faithfully serve the Lord Jesus Christ. Through the study of His Word, we learn that we are to live lives that are holy and devoted to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Is this a burden for us to perform? Does God force us to go against our own will? Are we just robots? These are often accusations that are hurled at the people of God, but the truth is, we love the Lord Jesus Christ and we want to serve Him. He gives us a great purpose for this life and the blessed hope of eternal life with Him forever where sin will no longer exist.

We are not fazed by the tumults of this life--wars, pandemics, earthquakes, etc. We know that God controls all things. We do not understand why things happen as they do, but we do know that nothing deviates from the will of God.

Satan hoped to destroy Gods creation and His created beings when he brought sin into this world. We wrongly accuse God when catastrophes occur, but actually, it is Satan who is responsible for the evil that exists in this world.

But, this world is not our home. We have an eternal home with the Lord Jesus Christ forever.

If you do not have the assurance that you will be with Christ after you leave this life, then go to Him now, plea for His forgiveness and His salvation. He will save you now!

What an amazing God we serve!

God Bless You,


James 1 Devotionals

Peace, Love, and Joy - Verses 2-4

Wisdom from God - Verses 5-6

Rich and Poor - Verses 9-11

Crown of Life - Verse 12

Sin Brings Death - Verses 12-15

God is Good - Verses 16-17

Regeneration - Verse 18

Quick to Hear - Verses 19-21

Be Doers of the Word - Verses 22-25

Pure Religion is This - Verses 26-27

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Book of James

James 1

James 2

Daily Bible Devotions
