Man of Understanding

Man of Understanding. True wisdom teaches us how to properly apply our knowledge in a fallen world ruled by the Almighty God! With a wise application comes true understanding. If we begin with a false interpretation, then no matter how much knowledge we gain on that topic, the end result will still be false!

26 For the LORD gives wisdom;
From His mouth come knowledge and understanding;
Proverbs 2:6

27 He who has knowledge spares his words,
And a man of understanding is of a calm spirit.
28 Even a fool is counted wise when he holds his peace;
When he shuts his lips, he is considered perceptive.
Proverbs 17:27-28, NKJV

Man of Understanding

Proverbs holds so many nuggets of wisdom that it is only fitting that we should consider a few verses from this book in our quest to gain spiritual understanding. Proverbs 2:6 gives us the source of knowledge and understanding, and Proverbs 17 shows the outworking of that wisdom in our lives.

For the LORD gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding.

Have you noticed how many times we are told in the Bible that wisdom and knowledge come from God? This concept is so foreign in our current day; wisdom and knowledge is thought to come from education, books, and learning. It is true that one can learn much from education; as a matter of fact there is so much to learn that one can get a PhD in almost any topic imaginable. But, though you can gain so much knowledge of a subject, is that true wisdom?

True wisdom teaches us how to properly apply our knowledge in a fallen world ruled by the Almighty God! With a wise application comes true understanding. If we begin with a false interpretation, then no matter how much knowledge we gain on that topic, the end result will still be false!

Proverbs 17:28 is one of my favorite verses in the Bible.

Even a fool is counted wise when he holds his peace; when he shuts his lips, he is considered perceptive.

Just look around you and see if you think this is true? Very often the one who is first to speak is the one who knows the least about the topic, or at least we perceive that to be the case.

Backing up one verse, the Bible says, He who has knowledge spares his words, and a man of understanding is of a calm spirit.

I saved this verse until last because it really is the theme of this devotion. When one becomes a true man (or woman) of understanding, they possess a deep faith in God; none of the outward events of life shake their faith, because they are truly resting in God and not on themselves.

There is no understanding apart from God. God who created the world and holds it in place knows and understands all things. The plan He has made for this world is continuing exactly as He planned and will end exactly as He planned.

Learn and study to gain knowledge, but pray to God for the wisdom and understanding to apply that knowledge correctly!

Man of Understanding

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