Baptist Beliefs D

Baptist Beliefs D includes the works of Anne Dutton written in the 18th century originally sent to relations and friends as well as Rev. George Whitefield.

Dutton, Anne (1692-1765)

1   Letters on Spiritual Subjects and Divers Occasions - Sent to Relations and Friends Volume 1 (1740)

2   Letters on Spiritual Subjects and Divers Occasions - Sent to Relations and Friends Volume 4 (1740)

3   Letters on Spiritual Subjects and Divers Occasions - Sent to Relations and Friends Volume 6 (1740)

4   Letters on Spiritual Subjects and Divers Occasions - Sent to Relations and Friends Volume 8 (1740)

5   Letters on Spiritual Subjects and Divers Occasions - Sent to Rev. Mr. George Whitefield, and Others of his Acquaintance. (1745)

6   Narration of the Wonders of Grace, in Verse, divided in six parts (1734)

Little is known of Anne Dutton, except the years of her life. Her works were provided by the Princeton Theological Seminary Library. The following is the first paragraph of her first work under the heading, "The Author's Epistle to the Persons to whom the following Letters were worte."

My dear Friends,

As many of you have testify'd your kind Acceptance of these Tokens of my Love, when they were write to you, and that the Lord was pleas'd to make them of Use to your Souls, so I doubt not your Acceptance of them, now they are presented to you in Print. Especially since, together with those which were wrote to any One of you in particular, there are several more which were wrote to other Friends, which are here presented to your View, which otherwise you might not have seen.

The following is a quote from the first letter she wrote to Rev. George Whitefield.

Very dear and reverend Sir,

Your last sweet letter was very favoury to my Taste. It brought God to my soul. I feel much Heart-Union with you. I thank you for all the kind Expressions of your increasing Love. May the Lord reward you an Hundred-fold in this World, and in that to come! Oh what a blessed Instrument of much Good, has the Lord made you to my poor Soul!

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