Reformed Beliefs C

Reformed Beliefs C continues our Online Christian Library with links to the writings of Reformed writers mostly from the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries, including writers from the following genres: Anglicans, Dutch Reformed, French Hugenot, Presbyterian, Congregational, Church of England, and Church of Scotland. 

Reformed Beliefs C

1               An Answer to John Martiall's Treatise of the Cross. (1846) (Author: Calfhill, James, 1530?-1570; Gibbings, Richard, 1813-1888        Subject: Martiall, John, 1534-1597)

Reformed Beliefs C

1               An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion. (1880)

2               Aspects of Life; Twelve Sermons.

3               Essays for Sunday Reading. (1906)

4               Scotch Sermons, 1880. (1880) (Contains sermons by the Very Rev. John Caird, the Rev. John Cunningham, the Rev. D. J. Ferguson, the Rev. William Knight, the Rev. William Mackintosch, the Rev. William Leckie M'Farlan, the Rev. Allan Menzies, the Rev. James Nicoll, the Rev. Thomas Rain, the Rev. Adam Semple, the Rev. John Stevenson, the Rev. Patrick Stevenson, the Rev. Robert Herbert Story.)


5               Sermons of John Caird. (1865)

6               Spinoza. (1901) (Subject: Spinoza, Benedictus de, 1632-1677)

7               The Fundamental Ideas of Christianity. In Two Volumes. Volume 1 (1904)

8               The Fundamental Ideas of Christianity. In Two Volumes. Volume 2 (1904)

9               University Addresses: Being Addresses on Subjects of Academic Study, delivered to the University of Glasgow. By John Caird, D.D., LL. D. Late Principal and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Glasgow. (1898) (The unity of the sciences.--The progressiveness of the sciences.--Erasmus.--Galileo.--The scientific character of Bacon.--David Hume.--Bishop Butler and his theology.--The study of history.--The science of history.--The study of art.--The progressiveness of art.--The art of public speaking.--The personal element in teaching.--General and professional education.)

10            University Sermons, Preached before the University of Glasgow, 1873-1898. (1898)

Reformed Beliefs C

1               Christ the Central Evidence of Christianity and Other Present Day Tracts. (1893)

2               Counsels of an Invalid: Letters on Religious Subjects. (1862) (Author: Wilson, George, 1818-1859; Cairns, John, 1818-1892. ed Subject: Consolation)

3               Historical Evidences of the Old Testament. (1890) (Author: Sayce, A. H. (Archibald Henry), 1845-1933; Blaikie, William Garden, 1820-1899; Cairns, John, 1818-1892; Conder, Eustace R., 1820-1892; Chamberlain, Jacob, 1835-1908; Chambers, Talbot W. (Talbot Wilson), 1819-1896) (The witness of ancient monuments to the Old Testament Scriptures, by A.H. Sayce.--The vitality of the Bible, by Rev. W.G. Blaikie.--Present state of the Christian argument from prophecy, by Rev. Principal Cairns.--The origin of the Hebrew religion, by E.R. Conder.--The Bible tested, by J. Chamberlain.--The Old Testament vindicated, by Rev. T.W. Chambers.)


4               Life and Letters of John Cairns. (1895) (Author: Macewen, Alexander R.(Alexander Robertson),1851-1916)

5               Memoir of John Brown. (1860)

6               Principal Cairns. (1903) (Author: Cairns, John, of Dumfries)

7               Rochdale Discourses a Memorial Contributed by Fourteen Clergymen connected with the United Presbyterian Synod in England, Prefaced by John Cairns. (1870)

8               Romanism and Rationalism as Opposed to Pure Christianity. (microfilm) (1863)

9               Supplementary Chapter to the Life of Rev. John Brown, D.D.; A Letter to Rev. John Cairns, D.D. (1860) (Author: Brown, John, 1810-1882; Cairns, John, 1818-1892 Subject: Brown, John, 1810-1882)

10            The Jews in Relation to the Church and the World: A Course of Lectures. (1877)

11            Thomas Chalmers, a Lecture. (Author: Cairns, John, 1818-1892; Angus, Joseph; Faraday, Michael, 1791-1867; Hughes, Thomas; Maclaren, Alexander, 1826-1910; Maclaren, Alexander, 1826-1910; Moncrieff, James; Salmond, William; Tyndall, John; Whewell, William, 1794-1866
Chalmers, Thomas, 1780-1847)

12            Unbelief in the Eighteenth Century as Contrasted with its Earlier and Later History, being the Cunningham Lectures for 1880. (1881)

Calamy, Benjamin (Anglican) (1646-1685)

Reformed Beliefs C

1               A Discourse About a Scrupulous Conscience: Containing Some Plain Directions for the Cure of it. (1684)

2               A Sermon Preached before the Right Honorable the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Citizens of London, at the Church of St. Mary le Bow, September 2, 1684: Being the Anniversary Fast for the Dreadful Fire in the Year 1666. (1685)

3               A Sermon Preached Before the Right Honorable the Lord Mayor and the Court of Alderman at Guild-Hall Chapel, on September 30, 1683. By Benjamin Calamy, D.D. One of His Majesty’s Chaplains in Ordinary. (1683)

4               Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Never Before Printed. (1687) (Author: Calamy, Benjamin, 1642-1686; Calamy, James)

Calder, Robert (Anglican) (1659-1723)

Reformed Beliefs C

1               Miscellany Numbers Relating to the Controversies about the Book of Common Prayer, Episcopal Government, the Power of the Church in Ordaining Rites and Ceremonies, etc. Defended by Scripture, Reason, Antiquity, and the Sentiments of the Learned Reformers, Particularly Mr. John Calvin. (1713)

2               The Lawfulness and Expediency of set forms of Prayer: Maintained, I. From the Old Testament, II. From the New Testament, III. From the Practices of the Universal Church, IV. From the Advantages of this way of Worship, V. From the Disadvantages of Extemporizing, VI. From the Sentiments of the Learned Presbyterians, Foreign and British, VII. From the Weakness of the Objections Against Set forms in General, and the English Service in Particular.(1706)

3               The Priesthood of the Old and New Testament by Succession, In Seven Letters; Showing that there is No other Way to Prove the Lawfulness of Ministerial Mission; With an Answer to the Principal Objections. By, Robert Calder, M.A., Late Presbyter of the Suffering Church of Scotland. (1720)

Reformed Beliefs C

1               A Re-examination of the Five Articles Enacted at Perth Anno 1618 I The Communicants Gesture Upon Receiving, II Festival Days, III Episcopal Confirmation, IV and V Private Administration of Baptism or the Lord’s Supper. (1636)

2               Perth Assembly: Containing, 1. The Proceedings Thereof, 2. The Proof of the Nullity Thereof, 3. Reasons Presented thereto Against the Receiving of the Five New Articles Imposed, 4. The Oppositional Nature of it to the Proceedings and Oath of the Whole State of the Land, 5. Proofs of the Unlawfulness of the Said Five Articles, Viz. I. Kneeling in the Act of Receiving the Lord’s Supper, II. Holy Days, III. Bishoping, IV. Private Baptism, V. Private Communion. (1619)

3               The Altar of Damascus or The Pattern of the English Hierarchy, and the Church Policy Obtruded upon the Church of Scotland. (1621) (Subject: Church of England; Church of Scotland)

4               The Course of Conformity: As it hath Proceeded, is Concluded, should be Refused. (1622) (Author: Scott, William, ca. 1566-1642; Calderwood, David, 1575-1650; Melville, James, 1556-1614)

5               The History of the Kirk of Scotland. In Eight Volumes. Volume 1 (1849) (The Preamble, the History 1514-1560)

6               The History of the Kirk of Scotland. In Eight Volumes. Volume 2 (1843) (The History 1560-1570)

7               The History of the Kirk of Scotland. In Eight Volumes. Volume 3 (1843) (The History 1570-1583)

8               The History of the Kirk of Scotland. In Eight Volumes. Volume 4 (1843) (The History 1584-1588)

9               The History of the Kirk of Scotland. In Eight Volumes. Volume 5 (1844) (The History 1589-1599)

10            The History of the Kirk of Scotland. In Eight Volumes. Volume 6 (1845) (The History 1600-1608)

11            The History of the Kirk of Scotland. In Eight Volumes. Volume 7 (1845) (The History 1609-1625)

12            The History of the Kirk of Scotland. In Eight Volumes. Volume 8 (1849) (Appendix and General Index)

13            The Pastor and the Prelate, or, Reformation and Conformity: Shortly Compared by the Word of God, by Antiquity and the Proceedings of the Ancient Kirk, by the Nature and use of Things Indifferent, by the Proceedings of our own Kirk, by the Weal of the Kirk and of the People’s Souls, and by the Good of the Commonwealth and of our outward Estate; with the Answer of the Common and Chief Objections Against Every Part; Showing Whether of the Two is to be Followed by the True Christian and Patriot. (1843)

Reformed Beliefs C

1               Autobiography and Biography of Rev. Joseph Caldwell, D.D., LL.D., First President of the University of North Carolina. (1860) (Author: Caldwell, Joseph, 1773-1835; Neathery, John B; Anderson, Walker, 1801-1857 Subject: Caldwell, Joseph, 1773-1835; University of North Carolina (1793-1962))

Reformed Beliefs C

1               The Divinity Principals in the University of Glasgow. (1917) (Author: Reid, H. M. B. (Henry Martin Beckwith), b. 1856 Subject: Melville, Andrew, 1545-1622; Smeaton, Thomas, 1536-1583; Sharp, Patrick, d. 1615; Boyd, Robert, 1578-1627; Cameron, John, 1579?-1625; Strang, John, 1584-1654; University of Glasgow)

2               The True Bounds of Christian Freedom or A Treatise Wherein the Rights of the Law are Vindicated and the Liberties of Grace Maintained. (microfilm) (1656) (Author: Bolton, Samuel, 1606-1654; Cameron, John, 1579?-1625. De triplici Dei cum homine foedere theses
Free will and determinism; Covenant theology)

Reformed Beliefs C

1               An Inquiry into the Origin of Moral Virtue Wherein the Machiavellian notions of Hobbes, Spinoza, and Mr. Bayle are Examined and Refuted. (1728)

2               The Authenticity of the Gospel History Justified, and the Truth of the Christian Revelation Demonstrated, from the Laws and Constitution of Human Nature. In Two Volumes. Volume 1 (1759)

3               The Authenticity of the Gospel History Justified, and the Truth of the Christian Revelation Demonstrated, from the Laws and Constitution of Human Nature. In Two Volumes. Volume 2 (1759)

Reformed Beliefs C

 1               Sacramental meditations on the sufferings and death of Christ : In which, the humiliation or sufferings of Christ in his birth, in his life, before, at, and after his death, with the end of his sufferings, and the sacramental promise, is considered; being the substance of some sermons preached before the communion, in the Irish language, in Kilmichael of Glasrie, within the presbytery and synod of Argyle. (1722)

Reformed Beliefs C

1               A Dissertation on Miracles: Containing an Examination of the Principles Advanced by David Hume in an Essay on Miracles; with a Correspondence on the Subject by Mr. Hume, Dr. Campbell, and Dr. Blair, to which are added Sermons and Tracts. (1834) (Subject: Hume, David, 1711-1776; Church of Scotland)

2               Lectures on Ecclesiastical History. To which is added, an Essay on Christian Temperance and Self Denial: By the Late George Campbell, D.D. Principal of Marischal College, Aberdeen. With some Account of the Life and Writings of the Author. By the Rev. George Skene Keith, Keith Hall, Aberdeenshire. In Two Volumes. Volume 1 (1800)

3               Lectures on Ecclesiastical History. To which is added, an Essay on Christian Temperance and Self Denial: By the Late George Campbell, D.D. Principal of Marischal College, Aberdeen. With some Account of the Life and Writings of the Author. By the Rev. George Skene Keith, Keith Hall, Aberdeenshire. In Two Volumes. Volume 2 (1800)

4               Lectures on Systematic Theology, Pulpit Eloquence, and the Pastoral Character (1832) (Author: Campbell, George, 1719-1796; Fénelon, François de Salignac de La Mothe-, 1651-1715; Ripley, Henry J. (Henry Jones), 1798-1875; Stevenson, William, rector of Morningthorp, Norfolk)

5               The Four Gospels, Translated from the Greek with Preliminary Dissertations, and Notes Critical and Explanatory. With the Author’s Last Corrections. In Four Volumes. Volume 1 (1824)

6               The Four Gospels, Translated from the Greek with Preliminary Dissertations, and Notes Critical and Explanatory. With the Author’s Last Corrections. In Four Volumes. Volume 2 (1811)

7               The Four Gospels, Translated from the Greek, with Preliminary Dissertations, and Notes Critical and Explanatory. With the Author’s Last Corrections. In Four Volumes. Volume 3 (1824)

8               The Four Gospels, Translated from the Greek, with Preliminary Dissertations, and Notes Critical and Explanatory. With the Author’s Last Corrections. In Four Volumes. Volume 4 (1824)

9               The Philosophy of Rhetoric. Seventh Edition, with the Author’s Last Additions and Corrections. Complete in One Volume. (1823)

10            The Works of George Campbell, D.D., F.R.S., Principal of Marischal College, Aberdeen. In Six Volumes. Volume 2 (1840) (Philosophy of Rhetoric.)

11            The Works of George Campbell, D.D., F.R.S., Principal of Marischal College, Aberdeen. In Six Volumes. Volume 3 (1840) (Dissertation on the Gospels. Volume 1.)

12            The Works of George Campbell, D.D., F.R.S., Principal of Marischal College, Aberdeen. In Six Volumes. Volume 4 (1840) (Dissertation on the Gospels. Volume 2.)

13            The Works of George Campbell, D.D., F.R.S., Principal of Marischal College, Aberdeen. In Six Volumes. Volume 5 (1840) (Ecclesiastical History.)

14            The Works of George Campbell, D.D., F.R.S., Principal of Marischal College, Aberdeen. In Six Volumes. Volume 6 (1840) (Systematic Theology and Pastoral Character.)

Reformed Beliefs C

 1               Missions in Hindustan; with a Brief Description of the Country, and of the Moral and Social Condition of the Inhabitants. By the Rev. James R Campbell, Missionary at Sharanpur, North India, in Connection with the Reformed Presbyterian Church in the United States. (1853)

Campbell, Joseph (Presbyterian) (1776-1840)

Reformed Beliefs C

 1               Sermons by the Late Joseph Campbell, D. D., of the Synod of New Jersey. With a Memorial by the Rev. John Gray, A. M., of Easton, Pa. (1842)

Reformed Beliefs C

1               A Highland Tour; Three Weeks with Dr. Candlish. By Alexander Beith, D.D. Stirling. (1874) (Author: Beith, Alexander, 1799-1891 Subject: Candlish, Robert Smith, 1806-1873; Free Church of Scotland; Highlands (Scotland))

2               A Vindication of the Organ: A Review of Dr. Candlish’s Publication, Entitled, ‘The Organ Question.’ (1856) (Author: Alexander Cromar , Robert Smith Candlish)

3               An Inquiry into the Completeness and Extent of the Atonement: With Especial Reference to the Universal offer of the Gospel, and the Universal Obligation to Believe. (1845)

4               Bethany: or, Comfort in Sorrow and Hope in Death. (1871)

5               Christianity and Recent Speculations. Six Lectures by Ministers of the Free Church. (1866) (Author: Candlish, Robert Smith, 1806-1873; Smith, Thomas, 1817-1906; Rainy, Robert, 1826-1906; Blaikie, William Garden, 1820-1899; Crichton, Andrew, 1790-1855; Duns, John, 1820-1909)

6               Examination of Mr. Maurice’s Theological Essays. (1854) (Subject: Maurice, Frederick Denison, 1805-1872;)

7               Life in a Risen Savior. (1858)

8               Man's Right to the Sabbath: The Sabbath made for Man; The Son of Man Lord of it. A Sermon. (1856)

9               Memorials of Robert Smith Candlish, D.D.: Minister of St. George’s Free Church, and Principal of the New College, Edinburgh. (1880) (Author: Wilson, William, minister of St. Paul's Free Church, Dundee; Candlish, Robert Smith, 1806-1873; Rainy, Robert, 1826-1906 Subject: Candlish, Robert Smith, 1806-1873)

10            Reason and Revelation. (1864)

11            Scripture Characters. (1857)

12            Sermons by the Late Robert S. Candlish, D.D. Minister of Free St. George’s, and Principal of the New College, Edinburgh. With a Biographical Preface. (1874)

13            Sermons Preached in Free St. George’s, Edinburgh, on Sabbath, November 2, 1873. (1873) (Author: Buchanan, Robert, 1802-1875; Rainy, Robert, 1826-1906; Candlish, Robert Smith, 1806-1873)

14            The Atonement Its Efficacy and Extent. (1867)

15            The Book of Genesis Expounded in a Series of Discourses. In Two Volumes. New Edition-Carefully Revised. Volume 1 (1868)

16            The Book of Genesis Expounded in a Series of Discourses. In Two Volumes. New Edition-Carefully Revised. Volume 2 (1868)

17            The Evangelical Succession: A Course of Lectures Delivered in Saint George's Free Church. (1883) (Subject: Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564; Knox, John, ca. 1514-1572; Henderson, Alexander, 1583?-1646; Rutherford, Samuel, 1600?-1661; Leighton, Robert, 1611-1684; Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691; Zinzendorf, Nicolaus Ludwig, Graf von, 1700-1760; Reformation -- Biography)

18            The Fatherhood of God. Being the First Course of the Cunningham Lectures delivered before the New College, Edinburgh, in March, 1864. (1865)

19            The First Epistle of John Expounded in a Series of Lectures. In Two Volumes. Second Edition. Volume 1 (1870)

20            The First Epistle of John Expounded in a Series of Lectures. In Two Volumes. Second Edition. Volume 2 (1870)

21            The Gospel of Forgiveness: A Series of Discourses. (1878)

22            The Headship of Christ and the Rights of the Christian People, a Collection of Essays, Historical and Descriptive Sketches, and Personal Portraits. With the Author’s Celebrated Letter to Lord Brougham. By Hugh Miller. Edited, with a Preface, by Peter Bayne, A.M. (1863) (Author: Hugh Miller, Peter Bayne, Henry Peter Brougham and Vaux, Robert Smith Candlish)

23            The Organ Question: Statements by Dr. Ritchie, and Dr. Porteous, for and Against the use of the Organ in Public Worship in the Proceedings of the Presbytery of Glasgow, 1807-8. (1859) (Author: Ritchie, William, fl1843-)

24            The Prayer of a Broken Heart, an Exposition of the 51st Psalm.

25            The Two Greatest Commandments: “Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and thy Neighbor as Thyself.” Illustrated in a series of Discourses on the Twelfth Chapter of the Epistle to the Romans. (1860)

Cannon, James Spencer (Dutch Reformed – R. C. A.) (1776-1852)

Reformed Beliefs C

1               Addresses Delivered at the Inauguration of the Hon. Theodore Frelinghuysen. (1850) (Author: Rutgers university, New Brunswick, N.J. [from old catalog]; Frelinghuysen, Theodore, 1787-1862; Hasbrouck, Abraham Bruyn, 1791-1879; Haines, Daniel, 1801-1877; Cannon, James Spencer, 1776-1852)

2               Lectures on Pastoral Theology. (1853) (Author: Cannon, James Spencer, 1776-1852; Campbell, William Henry, 1808-1890)

Reformed Beliefs C

1               A Sermon Preached at a General Meeting in the Gray Friar Church of Edinburgh, on June 13, 1638, at our Last Reformation. (1720)

Reformed Beliefs C

1               A Collection of Lectures and Sermons, Preached upon Several Subjects, mostly in the Time of the Late Persecution. (1779) (Author: Guthrie, William, 1620-1665; Howie, John, 1735-1793; Bruce, Michael, 1634 or 5-1693; Cameron, Richard, 1655?-1680; Cargill, Donald, 1619?-1681; Peden, Alexander, 1626?-1686; Shields, Alexander, 1660?-1700; Wellwood, John, 1649?-1679)

2               Six Saints of the Covenant: Peden: Semple: Welwood: Cameron: Cargill: and Smith. In Two Volumes. Volume 1 (1901) (Author: Walker, Patrick, 1666?-1745?; Fleming, David Hay, 1849-1931 Subject: Semple, John, d. 1677?; Welwood, John, 1649?-1679; Cameron, Richard, 1655?-1680; Cargill, Donald, 1619?-1681; Smith, Walter, Mr.; Peden, Alexander, 1626?-1686; Covenanters -- Biography)

3               Six Saints of the Covenant: Peden: Semple: Welwood: Cameron: Cargill: and Smith. In Two Volumes. Volume 2 (1901) (Author: Walker, Patrick, 1666?-1745?; Fleming, David Hay, 1849-1931 Subject: Semple, John, d. 1677?; Welwood, John, 1649?-1679; Cameron, Richard, 1655?-1680; Cargill, Donald, 1619?-1681; Smith, Walter, Mr.; Peden, Alexander, 1626?-1686; Covenanters -- Biography)

4               Torwood Excommunication: being the Lecture and Discourse going before, and the Afternoon Sermon Following After: with the Action of Excommunication itself, Pronounced at Torwood, September 1680 upon King Charles II, James Duke of York, James Duke of Monmouth, John Duke of Lauderdale, John Duke of Rothess, Sir George Mackenzie King’s Advisor, Thomas Dalzeel of Bins, by that Faithful Minister and Martyr of Jesus Christ, Mr. Donald Cargill. (1741)

Reformed Beliefs C

1               A Thankful Remembrance of God's Mercy: In a Historical Accounting of the Great and Merciful Deliverances of the Church and State of England, since the Gospel began here to Flourish, from the Beginning of Queen Elizabeth. (1630) (Author: Carleton, George, 1559-1628; Passe, Willem van de, 1598-ca. 1637; Hulsius, Friedrich van, b. 1580) (Illustrated added title page engraved by Willem van de Passe; frontispiece portrait and illustrations engraved by Friedrich van Hulsen. The added title page is found in two states: 1. with motto "quis sicut Jehovah in fortibus" and a crown on Deborah's shield; 2. with motto "quis sicut tu domine In fortibus", and a phoenix on Deborah's shield)

Reformed Beliefs C

1               Plain Reasons for Removing a Certain Great Man from His Majesty’s Presence and Councils Forever: Addressed to the People of England. (microfilm) (1759) (Subject: Pitt, William, Earl of Chatham, 1708-1778)

2               The Autobiography of Dr. Alexander Carlyle of Inveresk, 1722-1805. (1910) (Author: Carlyle, Alexander, 1722-1805; Burton, John Hill, 1809-1881)

3               The Justice and Necessity of the War with our American Colonies Examined: A Sermon Preached at Inveresk, on Dec. 12, 1776, being the Fast Day Appointed by the King, on Account of the Rebellion. (microfilm) (1777)

4               The Question Relating to the Scots Militia Considered. On a Letter to the Lords and Gentlemen who have Concerted the form of a Law for that Establishment. (1760

Carmichael, Frederick (Presbyterian) (1708-1751)

Reformed Beliefs C

 1               Sermons on Several Important Subjects. (1753)

Reformed Beliefs C

1               Letters from the East. (1826)

2               Letters from Switzerland and Italy, during a late Tour. (1834)

3               Lives of Eminent Missionaries. In Three Volumes. Volume 1 (1833) (I. John Eliot. Early mission to Tranquebar. Christian Frederic Swartz. Hans Egede. The Moravian mission. John Kiernander. Hocker and Antes.)

4               Lives of Eminent Missionaries. In Three Volumes. Volume 2 (1833) (II. David Zeisberger. Vanderkemp and Kicherer. Mission to Madagascar. Claudius Buchanan. Jens Haven. Mission at Labrador. Anne Haseltine Judson. David Brainerd. William Milne.)

5               Lives of Eminent Missionaries. In Three Volumes. Volume 3 (1835) (III. Institution of Ignatius. Francis Xavier. Cyprian Bareze. Joseph Assemanni. Lucas Cavallero. The church of Japan. Madame de la Peleterie. Joseph de Anchieta)

6               Recollections of Travels in the East Forming a Continuation of Letters to the East. (1830)

7               Stratton Hill: A Tale of the Civil Wars. In Three Volumes. Volume 1 (1829)

8               Stratton Hill: A Tale of the Civil Wars. In Three Volumes. Volume 2 (1829)

9               Stratton Hill: A Tale of the Civil Wars. In Three Volumes. Volume 3 (1829)

10            Syria, the Holy Land, Asia Minor, Etc. In Two Volumes. Volume 1 (1839-1840)

11            Syria, the Holy Land, Asia Minor, Etc. In Two Volumes. Volume 2 (1839-1840)

12            Tales of the West. In Two Volumes. Volume 1 (1828)

13            Tales of the West. In Two Volumes. Volume 2 (1828)

Reformed Beliefs C

1               A Defense and Explication of the Sinlessness, Immortality, and Incorruptibility of the Humanity of the Son of God. A Letter to the Editor of the Morning Watch, or, Quarterly Journal of Prophecy. (1829)

2               Substance of a Discourse on the Doctrine of the Trinity in Unity: Preached Extemporaneously. (1825)

3               The Proper Deity, Distinct Personality, Agency, and Worship of the Holy Spirit, against the recent Cavils of Messieurs Baring, Bevan, Cowan, and Late Seceders from the Church of England: to which is added, an Appendix, on the Doctrines of the Trinity and Incarnation; and also, an Alphabetical list of Fifty Hebrew Titles of Deity, with Explanation (1818)

4               The Two Covenants or Law and Gospel, being the Substance of Sundry Discourses, Lately delivered at the High Street Chapel, Exeter. (1828)

5               Three Letters on the Generation of the Manhood of the Son of God, and an Essay on the Nature and Cause of the Death of Christ. (1829)

Carroll, Bartholomew Rivers (?-?)

Reformed Beliefs C

1               Catechism of United States History. (1859)

2               Historical Collections of South Carolina, Embracing Rare Pamphlets, and Other Documents, From its Discovery to its Independence in 1776. In Two Volumes. Volume 1 (1836)

3               Historical Collections of South Carolina, Embracing Rare Pamphlets, and Other Documents, From its Discovery to its Independence in 1776. In Two Volumes. Volume 2 (1836)

Carrothers, Julia D. (Presbyterian) (1845-1914)

Reformed Beliefs C

1               Kesa and Saijiro or Lights and Shades of Life in Japan. (1888)

2               The Sunrise Kingdom: or, Life and Scenes in Japan, And Woman's Work for Woman There (1879)

Carruthers, John (Presbyterian) (?-1866)

Reformed Beliefs C

1               Mental Self-Culture: A Lecture delivered in St. Maurice Street Chapel, February 7, 1842. (microfilm) (1842)

2               Retrospect of Thirty-Six Years Residence in Canada West: Being a Christian Journal and Narrative. (1861)

Carruthers, William (Presbyterian) (1830-1922)

Reformed Beliefs C

1               The Shorter Catechism of the Westminster Assembly of Divines - Being a Facsimile of the First Edition, which was ordered to be Printed by the House of Commons, November 25, 1647; With Historical Account and Bibliography, by William Carruthers, F. R. S. (Lately Keeper of Botany, British Museum). (1897) (Author: Westminster Assembly (1643-1652))


Reformed Beliefs C

1               Anglican Catholicity Vindicated Against Roman Innovations: In the Answer of Isaac Casaubon to Cardinal Perron; to which is Prefixed the Confession of Faith of King James I. (1875) (Author: Casaubon, Isaac, 1559-1614; Du Perron, Jacques Davy, 1556-1618; Harrison, Hall, 1837-1900; James I, King of England, 1566-1625; Whittingham, William Rollinson, Bishop, 1805-1879
Catholic Church; Church of England)

2               Isaac Casaubon, 1559-1614. (1895) (Author: Pattison, Mark, 1813-1884)


Reformed Beliefs C

1               A Treatise Concerning Enthusiasm - As it is an Effect of Nature, but is mistaken by Many for Either Divine Inspiration, or Diabolical Possession (1655)

2               A True and Faithful Relation of what Passed for many Years between Dr. John Dee (A Mathematician of Great Fame in Queen Elizabeth’s and James I’s Reigns) and some Spirits: Tending (had it Succeeded) To a General Alteration of most States and Kingdoms in the World. His Private Conferences with Rodolphe Emperor of Germany, Stephen King of Poland, and divers other Princes about it. The Particulars of his Cause, as it was agitated in the Emperor’s Court; By the Pope’s Intervention: His Banishment and Restoration in part. As also the Letters of Sundry Great Men and Princes (some whereof were present at some of these Conferences and Apparitions of Spirits:) to the said Dr. Dee. Out of the Original Copy, written with Dr. Dee’s own Hand: Kept in the Library of Sir Thomas Cotton, Knight. Baronet. With a Preface Confirming the Reality (as to the Point of Spirits) of this Relation: and showing the Several Good uses that a Sober Christian may make of All. (1659) (Author: Dee, John, 1527-1608; Casaubon, Meric, 1599-1671; Kelly, Edward, 1555-1595 Subject: Rudolf II, Holy Roman Emperor, 1552-1612; Stefan Batory, King of Poland, 1533-1586; Spiritualism; Parapsychology)

3               Of Credulity and Incredulity, in things Natural, Civil, and Divine (1668)

4               The Golden Book of Marcus Aurelius Emperor of Rome (1919)


Casseday, Jennie (Presbyterian) (1840-1893)

Reformed Beliefs C

1               Jenny Casseday of Louisville - Her Intimate Life as told by her Sister, Mrs. Fannie Casseday Duncan (1922)


Cassels, Samuel Jones (Presbyterian) (1806-1853)

Reformed Beliefs C

1               America Discovered. A Poem. In Twelve Books. (1850)

2               Christ and Antichrist or Jesus of Nazareth Proved to be the Messiah and the Papacy Proved to be the Antichrist Predicted in the Holy Scriptures (1846)

3               Lectures on Paedobaptism. (1834)

4               Liberty Poems. (1851)

5               Providence and Other Poems. (1838)


Reformed Beliefs C

1               Memoirs of the Wars of the Cevennes, Under Col. Cavallier: In Defense of the Protestants Persecuted in That Country: And of the Peace Concluded Between him and the Marescal D. of Villars: Of his Conference with the King of France, after the Conclusion of the Peace: With Letters Relating thereto, from Mareschal Villars, and Chamillard, Secretary of State: As also, a Map describing the Places Mentioned in the Book. (1726) (Subject: Camisards)


Reformed Beliefs C

1               A Sober Answer to a Serious Question; Propounded by Mr. G. Firmin Minister of the Church in Shalford in Essex. Viz. Whether the Ministers of England are Bound by the Word of God, to Baptize the Children of All such Parents, which say, they Believe in Jesus Christ; but are Grossly Ignorant, Scandalous in their Conversation, Scoffers at Godliness, and Refuse to submit to Church-Discipline, the Negative is not Sufficiently Defended. Which may serve also as an Appendix to the Diatribe with Mr. Hooker, Lately Published, Concerning the Baptism of Infants, of Parents not Confederate. (1652)

2               Independency a Great Schism. Proved against Dr. Owen’s Apology in his Tract of Schism. As  also an Appendix to the former Discourse, showing the Inconstancy of the Dr. and the Inconsistency of his former and present Opinions. By Daniel Cawdrey Preacher of the Word at Great Billing, in Northamptonshire. (1657)

3               Sabbatum Redivivum or the Christian Sabbath Vindicated (1651)

4               The Good Man a Public Good; a Sermon Preached before the Honorable House of Commons, at the Public Fast, on January 31, 1643. (1643)


Cent, Nehemia (Pseudonym?) (Anglican?) (fl. 1650-?)

Reformed Beliefs C

1               A Word to London's Provincial Assembly or a View of Some Passages in the Minister's Late Vindication of Their Government and a Vindication of the Covenant. (1650)


Reformed Beliefs C

1               Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Thomas Chalmers. In Four Volumes. Volume 1 (1849) (Author: Hanna, William, 1808-1882)

2               Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Thomas Chalmers. In Four Volumes. Volume 2 (1850) (Author: Hanna, William, 1808-1882)

3               Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Thomas Chalmers. In Four Volumes. Volume 3 (1851) (Author: Hanna, William, 1808-1882)

4               Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Thomas Chalmers. In Four Volumes. Volume 4 (1852) (Author: Hanna, William, 1808-1882)

5               Posthumous Works of Thomas Chalmers. In Nine Volumes. Volume 1 (Daily Scripture Readings. Volume 1.)

6               Posthumous Works of Thomas Chalmers . In Nine Volumes. Volume 2 (Daily Scripture Readings. Volume 2.) (1848)

7               Posthumous Works of Thomas Chalmers . In Nine Volumes. Volume 3 (Daily Scripture Readings. Volume 3.) (1848)

8               Posthumous Works of Thomas Chalmers . In Nine Volumes. Volume 4 (Sabbath Scripture Readings. Volume 1.)

9               Posthumous Works of Thomas Chalmers . In Nine Volumes. Volume 5 (Sabbath Scripture Readings. Volume 2.) (1849)

10            Posthumous Works of Thomas Chalmers . In Nine Volumes. Volume 6 (Sermons Illustrative of Different Stages in his Ministry. 1798-1847.) (1849)

11            Posthumous Works of Thomas Chalmers . In Nine Volumes. Volume 7 (Institutes of Theology. In Two Volumes. Volume 1.) (1849)

12            Posthumous Works of Thomas Chalmers . In Nine Volumes. Volume 8 (Institutes of Theology. In Two Volumes. Volume 2.) (1849)

13            Posthumous Works of Thomas Chalmers . In Nine Volumes. Volume 9 (Prelections on Butler’s Analogy, Paley’s Evidences of Christianity, and Hill’s Lectures on Divinity. With Two Introductory Lectures, and Four Addresses Delivered in the New College, Edinburgh.) (1850)

14            The Works of Thomas Chalmers. In Twenty-Five Volumes. Volume 1 (On natural theology. Volume 1.) (1836)

15            The Works of Thomas Chalmers. In Twenty-Five Volumes. Volume 2 (On natural theology. Volume 2.) (1836)

16            The Works of Thomas Chalmers. In Twenty-Five Volumes. Volume 3 (On the miraculous and internal evidences of the Christian revelation. Volume 1.) (1836)

17            The Works of Thomas Chalmers. In Twenty-Five Volumes. Volume 4 (On the miraculous and internal evidences of the Christian revelation. Volume 2.) (1836)

18            The Works of Thomas Chalmers. In Twenty-Five Volumes. Volume 5 (Sketches of moral and mental philosophy.) (1836)

19            The Works of Thomas Chalmers. In Twenty-Five Volumes. Volume 6 (Discourses on the application of Christianity to the commercial and ordinary affairs of life.) (1836)

20            The Works of Thomas Chalmers. In Twenty-Five Volumes. Volume 7 (Discourses on the Christian revelation, viewed in connection with the modern astronomy.) (1836)

21            The Works of Thomas Chalmers. In Twenty-Five Volumes. Volume 8 (Congregational sermons. Volume 1.) (1836)

22            The Works of Thomas Chalmers. In Twenty-Five Volumes. Volume 9 (Congregational sermons. Volume 2.) (1836)

23            The Works of Thomas Chalmers. In Twenty-Five Volumes. Volume 10 (Congregational sermons. Volume 3.) (1836)

24            The Works of Thomas Chalmers. In Twenty-Five Volumes. Volume 11 (Sermons preached on public occasions.) (1836)

25            The Works of Thomas Chalmers. In Twenty-Five Volumes. Volume 12  (Tracts and essays on religious and economical subjects.) (1836)

26            The Works of Thomas Chalmers. In Twenty-Five Volumes. Volume 13 (Introductory essays to select Christian authors.) (1836)

27            The Works of Thomas Chalmers. In Twenty-Five Volumes. Volume 14 (On the Christian and economic polity of a nation. Volume 1.) (1836)

28            The Works of Thomas Chalmers. In Twenty-Five Volumes. Volume 15 (On the Christian and economic polity of a nation. Volume 2.) (1836)

29            The Works of Thomas Chalmers. In Twenty-Five Volumes. Volume 16 (On the Christian and economic polity of a nation. Volume 3.) (1836)

30            The Works of Thomas Chalmers. In Twenty-Five Volumes. Volume 17 (On church and college establishments.) (1836)

31            The Works of Thomas Chalmers. In Twenty-Five Volumes. Volume 18 (On church extension.) (1836)

32            The Works of Thomas Chalmers. In Twenty-Five Volumes. Volume 19 (On political economy. Volume 1.) (1836)

33            The Works of Thomas Chalmers. In Twenty-Five Volumes. Volume 20 (On political economy. Volume 2.) (1836)

34            The Works of Thomas Chalmers. In Twenty-Five Volumes. Volume 21 (The sufficiency of a parochial system.) (1836)

35            The Works of Thomas Chalmers. In Twenty-Five Volumes. Volume 22 (Lectures on the Epistle of Paul the apostle to the Romans. Volume 1.) (1836)

36            The Works of Thomas Chalmers. In Twenty-Five Volumes. Volume 23 (Lectures on the Epistle of Paul the apostle to the Romans. Volume 2.) (1836)

37            The Works of Thomas Chalmers. In Twenty-Five Volumes. Volume 24 (Lectures on the Epistle of Paul the apostle to the Romans. Volume 3.) (1836)

38            The Works of Thomas Chalmers. In Twenty-Five Volumes. Volume 25 (Lectures on the Epistle of Paul the apostle to the Romans. Volume 4.) (1836)


Reformed Beliefs C

1               And Judas Iscariot, with other Evangelistic Sermons. (1906)

2               Another Mile and other Addresses. (1908)

3               Boston’s Awakening: A Complete Account of the Great Boston Revival: under the Leadership of J. Wilbur Chapman and Charles M. Alexander: Jan. 26 to Feb. 21, 1909. (1909) (Author: Conrad, Arcturus Z. (Arcturus Zodiac) 1855-1937 ed Subject: Chapman, J. Wilbur (John Wilbur) 1859-1918; Alexander, Charles M. (Charles McCallon), 1867-1920)

4               Choice Hymns: Number 1. (1902)

5               Christian Hymns Number 1: For use in Church Services, Sunday Schools, Young People's Societies, Etc. (1899) (Author: Chapman, J. Wilbur (John Wilbur), 1859-1918; Hall, William Phillips)

6               Day after Day: A Manual of Devotions for Individual and Family Use. (1919)

7               Day by Day: or, Meditations for the Morning Watch. (1901)

8               Down on Water Street. A Story of Sixteen Years Life and Work in Water Street Mission. A Sequel to the Life of Jerry McAuley.  By Samuel H. Hadley of the Old Jerry McAuley Mission. (1902) (Author: Samuel Hopkins Hadley , John Wilbur Chapman)

9               Evangelistic Sermons. (1922) (Author: Chapman, J. Wilbur (John Wilbur), 1859-1918; Work, Edgar Whitaker, 1862-1934, ed)

10            Fishing for Men. (1904)

11            From Life to Life: Illustrations and Anecdotes for the use of Religious Workers and for Private Meditation (1900)

12            Jerry McAuley: An Apostle to the Lost. (1907) (Author: Offord, R. M. (Robert Marshall), ed)

13            Jerry McCauley: His Life and Work. (1885) (Author: McAuley, Jeremiah, 1839-1884; Offord, Robert Marshall, 1846-1924)

14            John Wilbur Chapman, a Biography. (1920) (Author: Ottman, Ford C. (Ford Cyrinde), 1859-1929)

15            Memorial Services, John Wilbur Chapman: Fourth Presbyterian Church, Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church, New York City, Sunday, Dec. 29, 1918. (1919) (Author: Work, Edgar Whitaker, 1862-1934)

16            Mills’ Meetings Memorial Volume: An Account of the Great Revival in Cincinnati and Covington, Jan. 21 to March 6, 1892, Under the Leadership of the Distinguished Evangelist, Rev. B. Fay Mills… (1892) (Author: Morrell, Charles B., 1859-; Francis, John Junkin Subject: Mills, Benjamin Fay, 1857-1916; Chapman, J. Wilbur (John Wilbur), 1859-1918; Stebbins, George C. (George Coles), 1846-1945; Greenwood, Lawrence B)

17            Present-day Evangelism. (1903)

18            Received ye the Holy Ghost? (1894)

19            Revivals and Missions. (1900)

20            S. H. Hadley of Water Street; A Miracle of Grace. (1906) (Subject: Hadley, Samuel Hopkins, 1842-1906)

21            Songs of Praise: Number 1. (1904) (Author: John Wilbur Chapman , O. F. Pugh)

22            Songs of Praise: Number 2. (1905)

23            The Ivory Palaces of the King. (1893)

24            The Life and Work of Dwight L. Moody: Presented to the Christian World as a Tribute to the Memory of the Greatest Apostle of the Age. (1900) (Subject: Moody, Dwight Lyman, 1837-1899)

25            The Life of Jerry McAuley, the River Thief: His Conversion in Prison and his Mission Work in Water Street, New York. (microfilm) (1905) (Subject: McAuley, Jerry, 1839-1884; McAuley Water Street Mission (New York))

26            The Man who said he Would. (1902)

27            The Personal Touch. (1900)

28            The Problem of the Work. (1911)

29            The Spiritual Life of the Sunday School. (1899)

30            The Way of Life. (1895) (Author: Spurgeon, C. H. (Charles Haddon), 1834-1892; McNeill, John, 1854-1933; Chapman, J. Wilbur (John Wilbur), 1859-1918; Mills, Benjamin Fay, 1857-1916; Moody, Dwight Lyman, 1837-1899; Talmage, T. De Witt (Thomas De Witt), 1832-1902)

31            When Home is Heaven. (1917)

32            Winona Hymns. (1906) (Author: Chapman, J. Wilbur (John Wilbur), 1859-1918; Excell, E. O. (Edwin Othello), 1851-1921)


Reformed Beliefs C

1               The Divine Triunity of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit: or, The Blessed Doctrine of the Three Coessential Subsistents in the Eternal Godhead without any Confusion or Division of the Distinct Subsistences, or Multiplication of the most Single and Entire Godhead, Acknowledged, Believed, Adored by Christians, in opposition to Pagans, Jews, Mahometans, blasphemous and Antichristian Heretics, who say they are Christians, but are not. Declared and Published for the Edification and Satisfaction of all such as Worship the Only True God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, all Three as One and the self same God Blessed Forever. (1650)

2               The Sickness, Heresy, Death, and Burial of William Chillingworth, together with a Discovery of his Errors in a Brief Catechism. (1644) (Subject: Chillingworth, William, 1602-1644)

Reformed Beliefs C

1               The Heritage of Peace: or, Christ our Life. (1868)

2               What Claim has Christ upon the Young Men of the Church? and What is a “Call” to the Ministry?  A Prize Essay.


Reformed Beliefs C

1               A Concise History of French-Canadian Protestantism. (microfilm) (1898) (Author: Campbell, John, 1840-1904 Subject: Chiniquy, Charles, 1809-1899; Protestants; Huguenots)

2               A Solemn Question! Can the Protestants Conscientiously build up the Churches of the Pope? (microfilm) (1873) (Author: Hodge, Charles, 1797-1878; Chiniquy, Charles, 1809-1899)

3               Abraham Lincoln’s Vow against the Roman Catholic Church: His “Great Purpose.” (1909) (Author: Wilcoxon, Mitchell Haney, b. 1852 Subject: Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865; Chiniquy, Charles Paschal Telesphore, 1809-1899)

4               Assassination of Lincoln. (1900)

5               Father Chiniquy's Dying Confession: Made on Jan. 16, 1899, in the Presence of Mr. George Lighthall, Notary, & Mr. William Grant Stewart, M. D. to which is Appended a Brief Sketch of his Life. (microfilm) (1899)

6               Fifty Years in the Church of Rome. (1888) (Author: Chiniquy, Charles Paschal Telesphore, 1809-1899)

7               Forty Years in the Church of Christ. (1900)

8               Letters of Dr. Chiniquy to Senator Tasse. (1884) (Author: Chiniquy, Charles, 1809-1899; Tasse, Joseph, 1848-1895 Subject: Catholic Church)

9               Manual of the Temperance Society: Dedicated to the Youth of Canada. (microfilm) (1847)

10            Papal Idolatry: an Exposure of the Dogma of Transubstantiation and Mariolatry: Dedicated to Cardinal Gibbons of Baltimore, Md. (1889)

11            Rome & Education. (microfilm)  (1880)

12            The Chiniquy of other Days: The Swiss Methodist Preacher Confounded and Convinced of Ignorance and Falsehood. (microfilm) (1885) (Author: Chiniquy, Charles, 1809-1899; Roussy, Louis, 1811-1880)

13            The Church of Rome as it is. (microfilm) (1867)

14            The Church of Rome is the Enemy of the Holy Virgin and of Jesus Christ. (microfilm) (1866) (Author: Chiniquy, Charles, 1809-1899; Macpherson, Fannie)

15            The Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary. (microfilm) (1867)

16            The Perversion of Dr. Newman to the Church of Rome: In Light of his own Explanations, Common Sense, and the Word of God (1896) (Subject: Newman, John Henry, 1801-1890)

17            The Priest, the Woman, and the Confessional (1887)

18            The Rev. C. Chiniquy, the Presbytery of Chicago and the Canadian Presbyterian Church. (microfilm) (1863) (Author: Kemp, Alexander F. (Alexander Ferrie), 1822-1884)

19            The two Chiniquys: Father Chiniquy vs. Minister Chiniquy. (1893)


Reformed Beliefs C

1               An Outline of the History of the Christian Reformed Church of America (1898) (Author: Van der Werp, Henry, 1846-1918)

2               Grace and Glory: Sermons Preached at the Chapel of Princeton Theological Seminary. (1922) (Author: Vos, Geerhardus, 1862-1949 Subject: Christian Reformed Church)

3               The Proposed Calvinistic College at Grand Rapids. (1903) (Author: Kuiper, B. K. (Barend Klaas), 1877-1961)


Christmas, Joseph Stibbs (Presbyterian) (1803-1830)

Reformed Beliefs C

1               A Discourse on the Nature of that Inability, which Prevents the Sinner from Embracing the Gospel: Being the Substance of Two Sermons, Preached in the American Presbyterian Church, Montreal, on Dec. 9, 1827. (1827)

2               Memoir of the Rev. Joseph Stibbs Christmas; with Farwell Letter to the American Presbyterian Society of Montreal, and a Letter from the Rev. Henry Wilkes, D.D. (1868) (Author: Lord, Eleazar, 1788-1871)

3               The Controversial Discussion between Catholic Priest, a Catholic Layman and others, and Rev. J.S. Christmas, Constat, and others: Extracted from the Montreal Herald and the New Montreal Gazette. (microfilm) (1827)


Reformed Beliefs C

1               A Plain, but full Exposition of the Catechism of the Church of England: Enjoined to be Learned of Every Child, before he is brought to be Confirmed by the Bishop. (1678) (Author: Nicholson, William, 1591-1672; Rogers, Thomas, d. 1616. Faith, doctrine and religion, professed and protected in the realm of England, and dominions of the same ) (With this are bound: Constitutions and canons ecclesiastical : treated upon by the Bishop of London, President of the Convocation for the Province of Canterbury ... (London : Printed for Samuel Mearne, 1678) -- The faith, doctrine and religion professed and protected in the realm of England, and dominions of the same ; expressed in thirty nine articles (Cambridge : Printed by John Hayes, 1681))

2               An Appeal from the Twentieth Century to the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries: or, the Faith and Practice of the First Centuries of the Reformed Anglican Church. (1905)

3               Certain Sermons or Homilies appointed to be Read in Churches in the Time of the Late Queen Elizabeth of Famous Memory; to which are added the Constitutions and Canons Ecclesiastical set forth in the Year 1603. (1844)

4               Certain Sermons or Homilies appointed to be Read in Churches in the Time of the Late Queen Elizabeth of Famous Memory. (1890)

5               Scriptural and Catholic Truth and Worship: or, The Faith and Worship of the Primitive, the Mediaeval and the Reformed Anglican Churches. (1908) (Author: Meyrick, Frederick, 1827-1906)

6               The Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments, and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church of England and Ireland; Together with the Psalter or Psalms of David, pointed as they are to be sung or said in Churches: and the form and manner of Making and Consecrating of Bishops, Priests, and Deacons. By Archibald John Stephens, Barrister at Law. In Three Volumes. Volume 1 (1849) (Author: Church of England; Stephens, Archibald John; Ecclesiastical History Society)

7               The Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments, and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church of England and Ireland; Together with the Psalter or Psalms of David, pointed as they are to be sung or said in Churches: and the form and manner of Making and Consecrating of Bishops, Priests, and Deacons. By Archibald John Stephens, Barrister at Law. In Three Volumes. Volume 2 (1849) (Author: Church of England; Stephens, Archibald John; Ecclesiastical History Society)

8               The Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments, and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church of England and Ireland; Together with the Psalter or Psalms of David, pointed as they are to be sung or said in Churches: and the form and manner of Making and Consecrating of Bishops, Priests, and Deacons. By Archibald John Stephens, Barrister at Law. In Three Volumes. Volume 3 (1850) (Author: Church of England; Stephens, Archibald John; Ecclesiastical History Society)

9               The Confession of Faith Together With Larger and Lesser Catechisms. (1658) (Author: Westminster Assembly (1643-1652); Westminster Assembly (1643-1652) Humble advice of the Assembly of Divines, now by authority of Parliament sitting at Westminster, concerning a Larger catechism; Westminster Assembly (1643-1652) Humble advice of the Assembly of Divines, sitting at Westminster, concerning a Shorter catechism; Westminster Assembly (1643-1652) Westminster confession; Westminster Assembly (1643-1652) Larger catechism; Westminster Assembly (1643-1652) Shorter catechism; Great Britain. Parliament. Ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament : for the calling of an Assembly of learned and godly Divines ... for the settling of the government and liturgy of the Church of England Subject: Church of England; Church of England; Presbyterian Church -- Catechisms; Presbyterian Church -- Creeds)

10            The Harmony of Protestant Confessions: Exhibiting the Faith of the Churches of Christ, Reformed after the Pure and Holy Doctrine of the Gospel, throughout Europe. (1842) (Author: Hall, Peter, 1803-1849)

11            The Holy Bible of the Old and New Testaments. (1568)

12            The New Week's Preparation for a Worthy Receiving of the Lord's Supper: As Recommended and Appointed by the Church of England, Consisting of Meditations and Prayers for the Morning and Evening of every day in the Week: With forms of Examination and Confession of Sins, and a Companion at the Altar Directing the Communicant in his Behavior and Devotions at the Lord’s Table; also Meditations to Enable us to live well after Receiving the Holy Sacrament. To which are added A Morning and Evening Prayer for the Closet or Family, Etc. The Twenty-Ninth Edition.


Reformed Beliefs C

1               A Cloud of Witnesses for the Royal Prerogatives of Jesus Christ: or, The Last Speeches and Testimonies of those who Suffered for the Truth in Scotland from 1681 to 1688. (1842)

2               A Compendium of the Laws of the Church of Scotland. In Two Volumes. Volume 1 (1830) (Author: Steuart, Walter, d. 1764. Collections and observations concerning the worship, discipline, and government of the Church of Scotland; Hill, George, 1750-1819. Theological institutes)

3               A Compendium of the Laws of the Church of Scotland. In Two Volumes. Volume 2 (1830) (Author: Steuart, Walter, d. 1764. Collections and observations concerning the worship, discipline, and government of the Church of Scotland; Hill, George, 1750-1819. Theological institutes)

4               A Seasonable and Necessary Warning and Declaration: Concerning Present and Imminent Dangers, and Duties Relating Thereto. (1649) (Author: Church of Scotland. General Assembly; Ker, A Subject: Church of Scotland; Solemn League and Covenant (1643))

5               A Short Declaration to the Whole Kirk and Kingdom Concerning Present Dangers and Duties. (1648) (Author: Church of Scotland. General Assembly; Ker, A)

6               A True Copy of the Whole Printed Acts of the General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland, Beginning at the Assembly held at Glasgow the 27th Day of November 1638; and Ending at the Assembly, held at Edinburgh the 6th day of August 1649. (1682)

7               A Warning against Socinianism (1788) (Author: Associate Synod (Scotland : 1744-1820)
McGill, William, 1732-1807; Associate Synod (Scotland : 1744-1820); Socinianism)

8               Act of the Associate Presbytery, Concerning the Doctrine of Grace: Wherein the Said Doctrine, as Revealed in the Holy Scriptures, And Agreeably Thereto, Set forth in our Confession of Faith and Catechisms, is Asserted and Vindicated from the Errors Vented and Published in some Acts of the Assemblies of this Church, Passed in Prejudice of the same. With an Introduction, Discovering the Rise and Progress of the Opposition to the Doctrine of Grace, and the Reason of Passing and Publishing this Act, in Vindication of the Same. (1789) (Subject: Associate Presbytery (Scotland : 1733-1744); Grace (Theology))

9               Acts and Proceedings of the General Assemblies of the Kirk of Scotland (1560-1577) Volume 1 (1839) (Author: Church of Scotland. General Assembly; Thomson, Thomas, 1768-1852; Church of Scotland. General Assembly. Book of the Universal Kirk of Scotland)

10            Acts and Proceedings of the General Assemblies of the Kirk of Scotland (1578-1592) Volume 2 (1840) (Author: Church of Scotland. General Assembly; Thomson, Thomas, 1768-1852; Church of Scotland. General Assembly. Book of the Universal Kirk of Scotland)

11            Acts and Proceedings of the General Assemblies of the Kirk of Scotland (1593-1618) Volume 3 (1845) (Author: Church of Scotland. General Assembly; Thomson, Thomas, 1768-1852; Church of Scotland. General Assembly. Book of the Universal Kirk of Scotland)

12            An answer to the declaration of the pretended Assembly at Dundee; and to a printed paper, entitled, the Protestation given in by the dissenting brethren to the General Assembly, July 21. 1652 : reviewed and refuted, &c. in which answer are set down ten steps of their defection who follow the way of the public Resolutions. Together with observations upon some of the acts of the P. Assemblies at Dundee and Edinburgh, and some papers concerning the endeavors of the Protesters for union with their brethren, who differ from them in judgment. (1653)

13            An Apologetical Narration of the State and Government of the Kirk of Scotland since the Reformation. By William Scot, Minister of Cupar. Together with: Certain Records Touching the Estate of the Kirk in the Years 1605 and 1606. By John Forbes, Minister of Alford. (1846) (Author: Scot, William, 1558-1642; Wodrow Society; Forbes, John, 1568?-1634)

14            Biographical Studies in Scottish Church History. (1914) (Author: Mitchell, Anthony, Bp., 1868-1917) (The Celtic period. St. Columba.--The transition from Celtic to Roman influence. St. Margaret.--The mediaeval period. Bishop Elphinstone of Aberdeen.--The reformation period. John Erskine of Dun.--The covenanting period. Robert Leighton.--The days of the penal laws. John Skinner of Linshart.--Modern times. John Dowden, Bishop of Edinburgh.--Appendix.)

15            History of the Reformation in Scotland. In Two Volumes. Volume 1 (1949) (Author: Knox, John, ca. 1514-1572)

16            History of the Reformation in Scotland. In Two Volumes. Volume 2 (1949) (Author: Knox, John, ca. 1514-1572)

17            History of the Reformation in Scotland: With an Introductory Book and an Appendix. In Three Volumes. Volume 1 (1811) (Author: Cook, George, 1772-1845)

18            History of the Reformation in Scotland: With an Introductory Book and an Appendix. In Three Volumes. Volume 2 (1811) (Author: Cook, George, 1772-1845)

19            History of the Reformation in Scotland: With an Introductory Book and an Appendix. In Three Volumes. Volume 3 (1811) (Author: Cook, George, 1772-1845)

20            Observations upon the chief acts of the two late P. Assemblies at St. Andrews and Dundee, the year of God 1651, and 1652: together with the reasons why the ministers, elders and protestors, who protested against the said Pretended Assemblies, and the Pretended Assembly at Edinburgh, cannot agree to the overtures made to them at the conference upon the 28. and 29. days of July 1652. As also the instructions to such of their number as were sent to the said conference. And the letter directed to Mr. David Dickson for communicating their papers. Whereunto is subjoined the propositions which were offered to the meeting of Ministers and others appointed to be kept at Edinburgh July 21. 1652. (1653) (Author: Ker, A)

21            Scotch Sermons, 1880. (1881) (Subject: Church of Scotland; Sermons, Scotch) (Contains sermons by the Very Rev. John Caird, the Rev. John Cunningham, the Rev. D. J. Ferguson, the Rev. William Knight, the Rev. William Mackintosch, the Rev. William Leckie M'Farlan, the Rev. Allan Menzies, the Rev. James Nicoll, the Rev. Thomas Rain, the Rev. Adam Semple, the Rev. John Stevenson, the Rev. Patrick Stevenson, the Rev. Robert Herbert Story)


22            The book of common-prayer, and administration of the sacraments; and other parts of divine service for the use of the Church of Scotland. With a paraphrase of the Psalms in meter by King James the VI. (1712)

23            The Book of the Universal Kirk of Scotland. (1839)

24            The confession of faith of the Kirk of Scotland: Subscribed by the Kings Majesty and his household, in the year of God 1580; With a designation of such acts of Parliament, as are expedient, for justifying the union, after mentioned; And subscribed by the nobles, barons, gentlemen, burgesses, ministers and commons, in the year of God 1638. (1638)

25            The Confession of Faith, Catechisms, Directory for Public Worship, Solemn League and Covenant and Scripture Proofs. (1785) (Author: Church of Scotland; Church of Scotland. Confession of faith, used in the English congregation at Geneva : received and approved by the Church of Scotland in the beginning of the Reformation; Church of Scotland. Short sum of the First book of discipline, for the instruction of ministers and readers in their office; Church of Scotland. Second book of discipline, or heads and conclusions of the policy of the Kirk; Church of Scotland. Form of examination before the communion : approved by the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland, and appointed to be used in families and schools; Church of Scotland. Form of Presbyterial church-government, and of ordination of ministers : agreed upon by the assembly of divines at Westminster, with commissioners from the Church of Scotland; Church of Scotland. Directory for the public worship of God : agreed upon by the Assembly of Divines at Westminster, with commissioners from the Church of Scotland; Church of Scotland. Confession of faith : agreed upon by the Assembly of Divines at Westminster, with the assistance of the commissioners from the Church of Scotland ..; Church of Scotland. Larger catechism : agreed upon by the Assembly of Divines at Westminster with the assistance of the Commissioners of the Church of Scotland ..; Church of Scotland. Shorter catechism : agreed upon by the Assembly of Divines at Westminster with the assistance of the commissioners from the Church of Scotland ..; Church of Scotland. Solemn acknowledgement of public sins, and breaches of the covenant : and a solemn engagement to all the duties contained therein ..; Church of Scotland. Collection of some principal acts and ordinances of the Parliaments of Scotland and England, and of the General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland, in favor of the Reformation ..; Church of Scotland. Form of process in the judicatories of the Church of Scotland : with relation to scandals and censures ..; Westminster Assembly (1643-1652))

26            The Covenanters: A History of the Church in Scotland from the Reformation to the Revolution. In Two Volumes. Volume 1 (1908) (Author: Hewison, James King, 1853-)

27            The Covenanters: A History of the Church in Scotland from the Reformation to the Revolution. In Two Volumes. Volume 2 (1908) (Author: Hewison, James King, 1853-)

28            The General demands, of the reverend doctors of divinity, and ministers of the Gospel in Aberdeen, concerning the late covenant, in Scotland: Together, with the answers, replies, and duplies that followed thereupon, in the year, 1638. (1663) (Subject: Solemn League and Covenant (1643))

29            The Humble Petition of The Commissioners of The General Assembly to the Kings Majesty: Their Declaration sent to the Parliament of England. Their Letter to some Brethren of the Ministry there. And their Commission to their Brother Master Alexander Henderson, January 1643. (1643) (Author: Church of Scotland. General Assembly. Commission; Tyler, Evan
Henderson, Alexander, 1583?-1646; Charles I, King of England, 1600-1649)

30            The Miscellany of the Wodrow Society: Containing Tracts and Original Letters, Chiefly relating to the Ecclesiastical Affairs of Scotland during the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. Volume First. (1844) (Author: Laing, David, 1793-1878, ed Subject: Church of Scotland; Scotland -- History)

31            The National Covenant and Solemn League and Covenant: with Acknowledgement of Sins, and Engagement to Duties as they were Renewed at Lesmahego, March 3, 1688 with Accommodation to the Present Times: Together with an Introduction Touching National Covenants, by way of Analysis on the 29th Chapter of Deuteronomy, the Substance whereof, was Delivered in a Discourse to the People, on the Preparation Day, Before they were Renewed. (1689)

32            The Principal Acts of the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland Volume 1 (Indicted by the King's Majesty, and Convened at Glasgow, Nov. 21, 1638) (1639)

33            The Principal Acts of the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland Volume 2 (Edinburgh 1639, Aberdeen 1640, St. Andrews & Edinburgh 1641, St. Andrews 1642) (1642)

34            The Principal Acts of the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland Volume 3 (Convened at Edinburgh, on August 2, 1643) (1643)

35            The Principal Acts of the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland Volume 4 (Convened at Edinburgh, on May 29, 1644) (1644)

36            The Principal Acts of the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland Volume 5 (Convened at Edinburgh, on January 22, 1645) (1645)

37            The Principal Acts of the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland Volume 6 (Convened at Edinburgh, on June 3, 1646) (1646)

38            The Principal Acts of the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland Volume 7 (Convened at Edinburgh, on August 4, 1647) (1647)

39            The Principal Acts of the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland Volume 8 (Convened at Edinburgh, on July 12, 1648) (1648)

40            The Principal Acts of the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland Volume 9 (Convened at Edinburgh, on July 4, 1649) (1649)

41            The Protestation of the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland, and of the Noblemen, Barons, Gentlemen, Borrows, Ministers, and Commons; Subscribers of the Covenant Lately, Made at the Mercate Cross of Edinburgh on the 18th of December, 1638. (1639)

42            The Psalms of David in Meter. (1822)

43            The Scotch Preacher: or, A Collection of Sermons, by some of the most Eminent Clergymen of the Church of Scotland. In Four Volumes. Volume 1 (1776)

44            The Scotch Preacher: or, A Collection of Sermons, by some of the most Eminent Clergymen of the Church of Scotland. In Four Volumes. Volume 2 (1776)

45            The Scotch Preacher: or, A Collection of Sermons, by some of the most Eminent Clergymen of the Church of Scotland. In Four Volumes. Volume 3 (1779)

46            The Scotch Preacher: or, A Collection of Sermons, by some of the most Eminent Clergymen of the Church of Scotland. In Four Volumes. Volume 4 (1789)

47            The Scottish Christian Herald. Volume 1 (March 5-December 31, 1836) (1836)

48            The Scottish Christian Herald. Volume 2 (January 7-December 30, 1837) (1837)

49            The Scottish Christian Herald. Volume 3 (January 6-December 29, 1838) (1838)

50            The Scottish Christian Herald. Volume 1 Second Series. (January 5-December 28, 1839) (1839)

51            The Scottish Christian Herald. Volume 2 Second Series. (January 4-December 26, 1840) (1840)

52            The Scottish Christian Herald. Volume 3 Second Series. (January 2-December 25, 1841) (1841)

53            The Scottish Pulpit: Containing Sermons by Eminent Scottish Divines. (1833)

54            The Scottish Pulpit: From the Reformation to the Present Day. (1887) (Author: Taylor, William M. (William Mackergo), 1829-1895 Subject: Presbyterian Church -- Clergy; Clergy -- Scotland History)

55            The Service, Discipline, form of the Common Prayers,  and Administration of the Sacraments, used in the English Church of Geneva: As it was Approved by that most Reverend Divine, Mr. John Calvin, and the Church of Scotland. (1641) (Author: English Church (Geneva, Switzerland); Church of Scotland. Book of discipline Subject: English Church (Geneva, Switzerland); Church of Scotland)


Clark, Daniel Atkinson (Presbyterian or Congregationalist) (1779-1840)

Reformed Beliefs C

1               A Plea for a Miserable World. (microfilm) (1820) (Author: Amherst College; Webster, Noah, 1758-1843; Clark, Daniel A. (Daniel Atkinson), 1779-1840) (I. An address, delivered at the laying of the corner stone of the building erecting for the charity institution in Amherst, Massachusetts, August 9, 1820, by Noah Webster, Esq. -- II. A sermon delivered on the same occasion, by Rev. Daniel A. Clark -- III. A brief account of the origin of the institution)

2               A Volume of Sermons: Designed to be used in Religious Meetings when there is not Present a Gospel-Minister. (1826)

3               Sermons. In Three Volumes. Volume 1 (1836)

4               Sermons. In Three Volumes. Volume 2 (1836)

5               Sermons. In Three Volumes. Volume 3 (1836)

6               The Complete Works of Rev. Daniel A. Clark, with a Biographical Sketch and an Estimate of his Powers as a Preacher. In Two Volumes. Volume 1 (1846) (Author: Clark, Daniel A. (Daniel Atkinson), 1779-1840; Shepard, George, 1801-1868; Clark, J. Henry (James Henry), 1814-1869)

7               The Complete Works of Rev. Daniel A. Clark, with a Biographical Sketch and an Estimate of his Powers as a Preacher. In Two Volumes. Volume 2 (1846) (Author: Clark, Daniel A. (Daniel Atkinson), 1779-1840; Shepard, George, 1801-1868; Clark, J. Henry (James Henry), 1814-1869)


Reformed Beliefs C

1               A Discourse Delivered at the First Church in Boston, on April 19, 1795, the Lord’s-Day after the Interment of Nathaniel W. Appleton, M.D. (1796) (Subject: Appleton, Nathaniel Walker, 1755-1795)

2               A Discourse, delivered before the Humane Society of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, at the semi-annual meeting, on June 11, 1793. (1793)

3               Discourses to Young Persons. (1804)

4               Sacred Poetry: Consisting of Psalms and Hymns, adapted to Christian Devotion in Public and Private. Selected from the best Authors, with Variations and Additions. (1820) (Author: Belknap, Jeremy, 1744-1798; Clarke, John, 1755-1798; Adams, John, 1735-1826, former owner. BRL; Boston Public Library) John Adams Library BRL)

5               Sermons. (1799)


Reformed Beliefs C

1               A Collection of the Promises of Scripture, under their proper Heads: In Two Parts, Representing I. The Blessings Promised, II. The Duties to which Promises are made. (1895)

2               Collection of the Sweet Assuring Promises of Scripture: or, The Believers’ Inheritance. (1865)


Reformed Beliefs C

1               A Defense of the Reformation, in Answer to a Book, Entitled, ‘Just Prejudices Against the Calvinists. In Two Volumes. Volume 1 (1815) (Author: Claude, Jean, 1619-1687; Townsend, John Subject: Nicole, Pierre, 1625-1695; Claude, Jean, 1619-1687; Reformation)

2               A Defense of the Reformation, in Answer to a Book, Entitled, ‘Just Prejudices Against the Calvinists. In Two Volumes. Volume 2 (1815) (Author: Claude, Jean, 1619-1687; Townsend, John Subject: Nicole, Pierre, 1625-1695; Claude, Jean, 1619-1687; Reformation)

3               An Account of the Persecutions and Oppressions of the Protestants in France. (1686) (Subject: Huguenots; Protestants)

4               An Essay on the Composition of a Sermon. In Two Volumes. Volume 1 (1779) (Author: Claude, Jean, 1619-1687; Robinson, Robert, 1735-1790, tr.)

5               An Essay on the Composition of a Sermon. In Two Volumes. Volume 2 (1779) (Author: Claude, Jean, 1619-1687; Robinson, Robert, 1735-1790, tr.)

6               Cruel Persecutions of the Protestants in the Kingdom of France. (1893) (Author: Claude, Jean, 1619-1687; Cyr, Narcisse. [from old catalog] Subject: Protestants; Huguenots)

7               The Young Preacher's Manual, or, A Collection of Treatises on Preaching; Comprising: Brown’s Address to Students of Divinity. Fenelon's Dialogues on the Eloquence of the Pulpit. Claude's Essay on the Composition of a Sermon, Abridged. Gregory on the Composition and Delivery of a Sermon. Reybaz on the Art of Preaching. With a list of Books. Selected and Revised by Ebenezer Porter, D.D. Bartlet Professor of Sacred Rhetoric in the Theological Seminary, Andover. (1819) (Author: Porter, Ebenezer, 1772-1834, comp; Brown, John, 1722-1787; Fénelon, François de Salignac de La Mothe-, 1651-1715; Claude, Jean, 1619-1687; Gregory, G. (George), 1754-1808; Reybaz, Étienne Salomon, 1737-1804)

8               The Young Preacher's Manual, or, A Collection of Treatises on Preaching; Comprising: Fenelon's Dialogues on the Eloquence of the Pulpit. Claude's Essay on the Composition of a Sermon, Abridged. Gregory on the Composition and Delivery of a Sermon. Reybaz on the Art of Preaching. Baxter’s Reformed Pastor. With a list of Books. Selected and Revised by Ebenezer Porter, D.D. Bartlet President of  the Theological Seminary, Andover. Second Edition. (1829) (Author: Porter, Ebenezer, 1772-1834, comp; Fénelon, François de Salignac de La Mothe-, 1651-1715; Claude, Jean, 1619-1687; Gregory, G. (George), 1754-1808; Reybaz, Étienne Salomon, 1737-1804; Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691)


Reformed Beliefs C

1               Extracts from the Diary and Autobiography of James Clegg, Nonconformist Minister and Doctor of Medicine. (1899)

Cleland, Thomas (Presbyterian) (1778-1858)

Reformed Beliefs C

1               Memoirs of the Rev. Thomas Cleland, D. D., Composed from his Private Papers. (1859) (Author: Humphrey, Edward P. (Edward Porter), 1809-1887; Cleland, Thomas H. (Thomas Horace), 1816-1892 Subject: Cleland, Thomas, 1778-1858; Disciples of Christ; Presbyterian Church -- Clergy)


Reformed Beliefs C

1               David's Harp in Song and Story. (1896)

2               Dying at the Top: or, The Moral and Spiritual Condition of the Young Men of America. By Rev. Joseph Waddell Clokey, D.D., Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of New Albany, Indiana. Revised and Enlarged. (1890)


Clow, William Maccallum (Presbyterian) (1853-1930)

Reformed Beliefs C

1               Five Portraits of Jesus (microfilm) (1925)

2               The Day of the Cross - A Course of Sermons on the Men and Women and some of the Notable Things of the Day of Jesus' Crucifixion (1909)

3               The Evangel of the Strait Gate (1916)

4               The Secret of the Lord (1910)


Cochran, Isaac Williams (Presbyterian) (1841-1887)

Reformed Beliefs C

1               A Memorial of Rev. Isaac William Cochran: “A Man Greatly Beloved.” (1889) (Subject: Cochran, Isaac Williams, 1841-1887; Gladstone, W. E. (William Ewart), 1809-1898)


Cochrane, William (Presbyterian) (1831-1898)

Reformed Beliefs C

1               A Quiet and Gentle Life: In Memoriam Mary Nielson Houstoun Cochrane: Born Feb. 16, 1834, Died Jan. 8, 1871. (microfilm) (1871) (Subject: Cochrane, Mary Neilson Houstoun, 1834-1871)

2               Christ and the Christian Life: Sermons Preached in the Zion Church, Brantford, Ont., 1875. (microfilm) (1876)

3               Christian Responsibility in the Matter of Popular Amusements. (microfilm) (1874)

4               Future Punishment: or, Does Death end Probation?: Materialism, Immortality of the Soul; Conditional Immortality, or Annihilationism; Universalism or Restorationism; Optimism or Eternal Hope; Probationism and Purgatory. (1887)

5               General Grant, the Lessons of his Life and Death: A Sermon Preached by request in Zion Presbyterian Church, Brantford, Ont., Sabbath Evening, Sept. 13, 1885 (microfilm) (1885) (Subject: Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson))

6               Life of Rev. William Cochrane, D.D. For Thirty-Six Years Pastor of Zion Church, Brantford and for Twenty-Six Years Convener of the Home Mission Committee of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. (1899) (Author: Grant, Robert Neill, d. 1909)

7               Memoirs and Remains of the Rev. Walter Inglis, African Missionary and Canadian Pastor. (1887) (Subject: Inglis, Walter, 1815-1884)

8               The Canadian Album: Men of Canada; or, Success by Example, in Religion, Patriotism, Business, Law, Medicine, Education, and Agriculture; Containing Portraits of some of Canada’s Chief business men, Statesmen, Farmers, Men of the Learned Professions, and others; also, an Authentic Sketch of their Lives; Object Lessons for the Present Generation and Examples to Posterity. In Five Volumes. Volume 1 (1891) (Author: Cochrane, William, 1831-1898; Hopkins, J. Castell (John Castell), 1864-1923)

9               The Canadian Album: Men of Canada; or, Success by Example, in Religion, Patriotism, Business, Law, Medicine, Education, and Agriculture; Containing Portraits of some of Canada’s Chief business men, Statesmen, Farmers, Men of the Learned Professions, and others; also, an Authentic Sketch of their Lives; Object Lessons for the Present Generation and Examples to Posterity. In Five Volumes. Volume 2 (1893) (Author: Cochrane, William, 1831-1898; Hopkins, J. Castell (John Castell), 1864-1923)

10            The Canadian Album: Men of Canada; or, Success by Example, in Religion, Patriotism, Business, Law, Medicine, Education, and Agriculture; Containing Portraits of some of Canada’s Chief business men, Statesmen, Farmers, Men of the Learned Professions, and others; also, an Authentic Sketch of their Lives; Object Lessons for the Present Generation and Examples to Posterity. In Five Volumes. Volume 3 (1894) (Author: Cochrane, William, 1831-1898; Hopkins, J. Castell (John Castell), 1864-1923)

11            The Canadian Album: Men of Canada; or, Success by Example, in Religion, Patriotism, Business, Law, Medicine, Education, and Agriculture; Containing Portraits of some of Canada’s Chief business men, Statesmen, Farmers, Men of the Learned Professions, and others; also, an Authentic Sketch of their Lives; Object Lessons for the Present Generation and Examples to Posterity. In Five Volumes. Volume 4 (1895) (Author: Cochrane, William, 1831-1898; Hopkins, J. Castell (John Castell), 1864-1923)

12            The Canadian Album: Men of Canada; or, Success by Example, in Religion, Patriotism, Business, Law, Medicine, Education, and Agriculture; Containing Portraits of some of Canada’s Chief business men, Statesmen, Farmers, Men of the Learned Professions, and others; also, an Authentic Sketch of their Lives; Object Lessons for the Present Generation and Examples to Posterity. In Five Volumes. Volume 5 (1896) (Author: Cochrane, William, 1831-1898; Hopkins, J. Castell (John Castell), 1864-1923)

13            The Church and the Commonwealth. Discussions and Orations on Questions of the Day, Practical, Biographical, Educational and Doctrinal (1887)

14            The Heavenly Vision and other Sermons (1863-1873). (1874)

15            The Negative Theology and the Larger Hope. (microfilm) (1892)

16            The Old Paths and the New: A Sermon Preached before the St. Andrew's Society, Brantford, Ont., on Nov. 30, 1884. (microfilm) (1884)

17            Warning and Welcome: Sermons Preached in the Zion Church, Brantford, Ontario during 1876. (microfilm) (1877)


Cockburn, Melville N. (Presbyterian) (?-?)

Reformed Beliefs C

1               A History of Greenock Church, Saint Andrews, New Brunswick, from 1821 to 1906. (1906)


Cocke, Alonzo Rice (Presbyterian) (1858-1901)

Reformed Beliefs C

1               Studies in Ephesians. By Alonzo Rice Cocke, Pastor at Waynesboro, Virginia; Professor of Philosophy in the Valley Seminary. (1892)

2               Studies in the Epistles of John: or, The Manifested Life. (1895)


Reformed Beliefs C

1               Some of the Glories of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Exhibited in Twenty Sacramental Discourses, Preached at Boston in New England: By Benjamin Coleman, M.A. Pastor of a Church in Boston. (1728)

2               The Life and Character of the Rev. Benjamin Colman, D.D.: Late Pastor of a Church in Boston, New-England. Who Deceased August 29, 1747. (1749) (Author: Turell, Ebenezer, 1702-1778; Evans 6434; Byles, Mather, 1707-1788; Cooper, Samuel, 1725-1783; Gray, Ellis, 1715-1753)


Coleman, Lyman (Congregationalist or Presbyterian) (1796-1882)

Reformed Beliefs C

1               A Historical text book and Atlas of Biblical Geography (1855)

2               Ancient Christianity Exemplified in the Private, Domestic, Social, and Civil Life of the Primitive Christians and in the Original Institutions, Offices, Ordinances, and Rites of the Church. (1852)

3               Genealogy of the Lyman Family, in Great Britain and America; The Ancestors and Descendants of Richard Lyman, from High Ongar in England, 1631. By Lyman Coleman, D.D., Professor in Lafayette College, Easton, Pennsylvania. (1872) (Author: Coleman, Lyman, 1796-1882
Lyman family; Lyman, Richard, 1580-ca. 1640)

4               The Antiquities of the Christian Church. (1846)

5               The Apostolic and Primitive Church: Popular in its Government, Informal in its Worship: A Manual on Prelacy and Ritualism carefully Revised and Adapted to these Discussions. (1869)


Reformed Beliefs C

1               The Heart's Engagement a Sermon Preached at St. Margaret’s Westminster at the Public Entering into the Covenant, By 1. Some of the Nobility, Knighthood, and Gentry. 2. Divers Colonels, Officers, and Soldiers. 3. Those3 of the Scottish Nation about the City. 4. Many Reverend Divines here Residing. September 29, 1643. By Thomas Coleman, Pastor of Blyton in the County of Lincoln, and (being thence driven by the Cavaliers0 now Preacher at St. Peter’s Cornhill, London. Both Preached, and Published according to the several Orders of the Honorable House of Commons. (1643)


Reformed Beliefs C

1               A Reasonable Account why some Pious Nonconforming Ministers of England Judge it Sinful for them to Perform Public Prayer by Prescribed Forms. (1679)

2               A Vindication of the Great Ordinance of God viz. A Gospel-Ministry; In which these Ensuing Questions are shortly Discussed… (1651) (1. Whether under the Gospel there be such a function as the Ministry : viz., some particular persons appointed to preach the word, and administer the Sacraments. -- 2. Whether no more be required for this function, to authorize men ordinarily, to preach, interpret, and apply Scriptures, than that they have gifts, and be desired to exercise them. -- 3. Whether those that ordinarily preach, open and apply Scriptures, must be set apart by the Presbytery. -- 4. Whether the laying on of the hands of the Presbytery can be omitted in Scriptural ordination without sin. -- 5. Whether Christians that made a conscience of hearing the Word of God, can without sin hear such preach, open or apply Scriptures, as are not ordained, but merely gifted.)


Colquhoun, John (Presbyterian) (1748-1826)

Reformed Beliefs C

1               A Collection of the Promises of the Gospel, Arranged under their Proper Heads: With Reflections and Exhortations Deduced from them.  (1825)

2               A Treatise on Spiritual Comfort (1822)

3               A Treatise on the Covenant of Works (1821)

4               Sermons Chiefly on Doctrinal Subjects (1836)


Reformed Beliefs C

1               Refreshing Streams Flowing From the Fullness of Jesus Christ, in Several Sermons. (microfilm) (1655)


Reformed Beliefs C

1               Comenius: His Life and Principles of Education. (1891) (Author: Lang, Ossian Herbert, 1865-1945)

2               Comenius and the Beginnings of Educational Reform. (1900) (Author: Monroe, Will Seymour, 1863-1939)

3               Comenius' School of Infancy: An Essay on the Education of Youth during the First Six Years. (1896) (Author: Comenius, Johann Amos, 1592-1670; Monroe, W. S. (Will Seymour), 1863-1939, editor)

4               John Amos Comenius, Bishop of the Moravians, his Life and Educational Works. (1887) (Author: Laurie, Simon Somerville, 1829-1909)

5               Rules of Life. (1865) (Author: Johann Amos Comenius , Daniel Benham)

6               Samuel Hartlib: A Sketch of his Life and his Relations to J. A. Comenius. (1920) (Author: Turnbull, George Henry, 1889- Subject: Hartlib, Samuel, d. 1662; Comenius, Johann Amos, 1592-1670)

7               The Great Didactic of Johann Amos Comenius. (1896) (Author: Comenius, Johann Amos, 1592-1670; Keatinge, M. W. (Maurice Walter), 1868-1935)

8               The Labyrinth of the World and the Paradise of the Heart. (1905)

9               The Orbus Pictus of John Amos Comenius. (1887)


Reformed Beliefs C

1               An Exact Account of the Whole Proceedings against Henry Lord Bishop of London, before the Lord Chancellor, and the other Ecclesiastical Commissioners. (1688) (Subject: Compton, Henry, 1632-1713; England and Wales. Ecclesiastical Commission (1686))

2               Seasonal Advice to the Ministers of the Church of Great Britain. (1710)


Reformed Beliefs C

 1               Sermons Preached on Several Occasions.

Reformed Beliefs C

1               A Sermon Preached by the Rev. Mr. John Conder, on May 11, 1758, at the Ordination of the Rev. Mr. John Stafford to the Co-Pastor-ship with John Guyse, D.D., in the Church of Christ meeting at New-Broad-Street: Together with an Introductory Discourse by the Rev. Mr. Thomas Gibbons, the Church’s Recognition of their Call, Mr. Stafford’s Acceptance of it, his Confession of Faith, and an Exhortation delivered to him by the Rev. Mr. Thomas Hall. Published at the United Request of the Church, and the Ministers then Present. (1758) (Author: Conder, John, 1714-1781; Gibbons, Thomas, 1720-1785 Subject: Stafford, John)

2               Living Christianity Delineated, in the Diaries and Letters of Two Eminently Pious Persons Lately Deceased, viz. Mr. Hugh Bryan, and Mrs. Mary Hutson, both of South Carolina. With a Preface by the Rev. Mr. John Conder, and the Rev. Mr. Thomas Gibbons. (1809)

3               The Peaceful End of the Perfect Upright Man Recommended for Consideration; In a Sermon Occasioned by the Death of that Learned Judicious Divine, Dr. John Guyse; Who Departed this Life Nov. 22, 1761, in the 81st Year of his Age. Preached Nov. 29th, to his Affectionate People, by John Conder. (1762)


Reformed Beliefs C

1               An Answer in Defense of the Truth Against the Apology of Private Mass. (1850)

2               Thomas Cooper, Bishop of Winchester, An Admonition to the People of England, 1589. (1847)


Cooper, William (1694-1743)

Reformed Beliefs C

1               The Doctrine of Predestination unto Life Explained and Vindicated in Four Sermons. (1740)


Reformed Beliefs C

1               God's Providence - A Sermon Preached Before the Honorable House of Commons at Their Late Solemn Fast Dec. 28, 1642. (1642)


Corbet, John (Anglican?) (1620-1680)

Reformed Beliefs C

1               A Discourse of the Religion of England: Asserting that Reformed Christianity, Settled in its due Latitude, is the Stability and Advancement of this Kingdom. (1667)

2               A Second Discourse of the Religion of England: Further Asserting that Reformed Christianity, Settled in its due Latitude, is the Stability and Advancement of this Kingdom: Wherein is Included, an Answer to a Late Book, Entitled, ‘A Discourse of Toleration’. (1668)

3               The Christian's Companion in Solitude. (1827) (Author: Young, David) (Walking with God the Christian's duty and privilege / Richard Baxter. -- Converse with God in solitude / Richard Baxter. -- Self-employment in secret / John Corbet. -- Devout breathings in a pious soul.)

4               The Interest of England In the Matter of Religion: Unfolded in the Solution of These Three Questions. (1660)

5               The Kingdom of God among Men: A Tract of the State of Religion. (1679)


Coulter, David (Presbyterian) (1808-1878)

Reformed Beliefs C

1               Memoir of David Coulter, D. D.: With Reminiscences, Letters, Lectures, and Sermons. (1880)


Reformed Beliefs C

1               A Commentary on the Psalms: From Primitive and Mediaeval Writers; and from the Various Office-Books and Hymns of the Roman, Mozarabic, Ambrosian, Gallican, Greek, Coptic, Armenian, and Syriac Rites. By the Rev. J. M. Neale, D.D., sometime Warden of Sackville College, East Grinstead. And The Rev. R. F. Littledale, LL.D., sometime Scholar of Trinity College, Dublin. In Four Volumes. Volume 1 (1869) (Psalm 1-38) ()(Author: Neale, J. M. (John Mason), 1818-1866; Littledale, Richard Frederick, 1833-1890)

2               A Commentary on the Psalms: From Primitive and Mediaeval Writers; and from the Various Office-Books and Hymns of the Roman, Mozarabic, Ambrosian, Gallican, Greek, Coptic, Armenian, and Syriac Rites. By the Rev. J. M. Neale, D.D., sometime Warden of Sackville College, East Grinstead. And The Rev. R. F. Littledale, LL.D., sometime Scholar of Trinity College, Dublin. In Four Volumes. Volume 1 (1879) (Psalm 1-38) (Author: John Mason Neale , Richard Frederick Littledale, Miles Coverdale)

3               A Commentary on the Psalms: From Primitive and Mediaeval Writers; and from the Various Office-Books and Hymns of the Roman, Mozarabic, Ambrosian, Gallican, Greek, Coptic, Armenian, and Syriac Rites. By the Rev. J. M. Neale, D.D., sometime Warden of Sackville College, East Grinstead. And The Rev. R. F. Littledale, LL.D., sometime Scholar of Trinity College, Dublin. In Four Volumes. Volume 2 (1868) (Psalm 39-80) ()(Author: Neale, J. M. (John Mason), 1818-1866; Littledale, Richard Frederick, 1833-1890)

4               A Commentary on the Psalms: From Primitive and Mediaeval Writers; and from the Various Office-Books and Hymns of the Roman, Mozarabic, Ambrosian, Gallican, Greek, Coptic, Armenian, and Syriac Rites. By the Rev. J. M. Neale, D.D., sometime Warden of Sackville College, East Grinstead. And The Rev. R. F. Littledale, LL.D., sometime Scholar of Trinity College, Dublin. In Four Volumes. Volume 2 (1879) (Psalm 39-80) (Author: John Mason Neale , Richard Frederick Littledale, Miles Coverdale)

5               A Commentary on the Psalms: From Primitive and Mediaeval Writers; and from the Various Office-Books and Hymns of the Roman, Mozarabic, Ambrosian, Gallican, Greek, Coptic, Armenian, and Syriac Rites. By the Rev. J. M. Neale, D.D., sometime Warden of Sackville College, East Grinstead. And The Rev. R. F. Littledale, LL.D., sometime Scholar of Trinity College, Dublin. In Four Volumes. Volume 3 (1871) (Psalm 81-118) (Author: Neale, J. M. (John Mason), 1818-1866; Littledale, Richard Frederick, 1833-1890)

6               A Commentary on the Psalms: From Primitive and Mediaeval Writers; and from the Various Office-Books and Hymns of the Roman, Mozarabic, Ambrosian, Gallican, Greek, Coptic, Armenian, and Syriac Rites. By the Rev. J. M. Neale, D.D., sometime Warden of Sackville College, East Grinstead. And The Rev. R. F. Littledale, LL.D., sometime Scholar of Trinity College, Dublin. In Four Volumes. Volume 4 (1874) (Psalm 119-150) (Author: Neale, J. M. (John Mason), 1818-1866; Littledale, Richard Frederick, 1833-1890)

7               A Study of Tindale’s Genesis Compared with the Genesis of Coverdale and of the Authorized Version. (1911) (Author: Cleaveland, Elizabeth Whittlesey Subject: Tyndale, William, d. 1536; Coverdale, Miles, 1488-1568)

8               British Reformers: Writings of John Fox, Bale, and Coverdale. Volume 12 (1831) (Author: Foxe, John, 1516-1587; Bale, John, 1495-1563; Coverdale, Miles, 1488-1568)

9               Memorials: With Matters Relating to the Promulgation of the Bible. (1838)

10            Remains of Myles Coverdale ... Containing Prologues to the translation of the Bible. Treatise on death. Hope of the faithful. Exhortation to the carrying of Christ’s cross. Exposition upon the twenty-second Psalm. Confutation of the treatise of John Standish. Defense of a certain poor Christian man. Letters. Ghostly psalms and spiritual songs. Edited for the Parker society by the Rev. George Pearson. (1846)

11            The Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament: With the Apocrypha. (1847)

12            The Letters of the Martyrs: Collected and Published in 1564. (1837)

13            The Prophet Jonah with an Introduction before Teaching to Understand him and the Right use of all the Scripture, Etc., Etc. (1863) (Author: Tyndale, William, d. 1536; Coverdale, Miles, 1488-1568; Fry, Francis, 1803-1886)

14            Writings and translations of Myles Coverdale : containing The old faith, A spiritual and most precious pearl, Fruitful lessons, A treatise on the Lord's supper, Order of the church in Denmark, Abridgement of the Enchiridion of Erasmus. (1844)


Cowan, Henry (Presbyterian) (1844-1932)

Reformed Beliefs C

1               John Knox, the Hero of the Scottish Reformation. (1905) (Subject: Knox, John, ca. 1514-1572)

2               The Influence of the Scottish Church in Christendom: Being the Baird Lecture for 1895, delivered in Blythswood Parish Church, Glasgow. (1896)


Reformed Beliefs C

1               Cowper. (1880) (Author: Smith, Goldwin, 1823-1910)

2               Lectures on the Life, Genius, and Insanity of Cowper. (1856) (Author: Cheever, George Barrell, 1807-1890)

3               Olney Hymns by J. Newton and W. Cowper. (1829) (Author: Newton, John, 1725-1807; Cowper, William, 1731-1800; Montgomery, James, 1771-1854 Subject: Newton, John, 1725-1807; Cowper, William, 1731-1800; Hymns, English; Religious poetry, English; Hymn writers)

4               The Life and Letters of William Cowper, Esq., with Remarks on Epistolary Writers. In Four Volumes. Volume 1 (1812) (Author: Hayley, William, 1745-1820)

5               The Life and Letters of William Cowper, Esq., with Remarks on Epistolary Writers. In Four Volumes. Volume 2 (1812) (Author: Hayley, William, 1745-1820)

6               The Life and Letters of William Cowper, Esq., with Remarks on Epistolary Writers. In Four Volumes. Volume 3 (1812) (Author: Hayley, William, 1745-1820)

7               The Life and Letters of William Cowper, Esq., with Remarks on Epistolary Writers. In Four Volumes. Volume 4 (1812) (Author: Hayley, William, 1745-1820)

8               The Works of Cowper and Thompson: Including many Letters and Poems never before Published in this Country: With a new and Interesting Memoir of the Life of Thompson. (1851) (Author: Cowper, William, 1731-1800; Thomson, James, 1700-1748 Subject: Cowper, William, 1731-1800; Thomson, James, 1700-1748)


Reformed Beliefs C

1               Correspondence between the Rev. Samuel H. Cox, of Brooklyn, L. I., and Frederick Douglass, a Fugitive Slave. (1846) (Subject: Douglass, Frederick, 1818-1895)

2               Correspondence on the Principles of Right Reasoning, Applicable to Temperance: And to the Effects of Fermented and Distilled Liquors; between Samuel M. Hopkins and Gerrit Smith, Rev. Dr. Justin Edwards and Dr. Samuel H. Cox, with other Papers and Notes, by the Editor; Part I. (1836) (Author: Hopkins, Samuel Miles, 1772-1837; Cox, Samuel Hanson, 1793-1881; Edwards, Justin, 1787-1853; Smith, Gerrit, 1797-1874)

3               Debate at the Lane Seminary, Cincinnati.: Speech of James A Thome, delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Anti-Slavery Society, on May 6, 1834. Letter of the Rev. Dr. Samuel H. Cox, Against the American Colonization Society. (1834) (Author: Thome, James A. (James Armstrong), 1813-1873; Cox, Samuel H. (Samuel Hanson), 1793-1880; Cornish, Samuel E; Stanton, Henry B. (Henry Brewster), 1805-1887; American Anti-Slavery Society
American Colonization Society; Slavery)

4               Discourses Delivered in Murray Street Church on Sabbath Evenings, during the Months of March, April, and May, 1830. (1830) (Author: Murray Street Church (New York, N.Y.); Miller, Samuel, 1769-1850; Spring, Gardiner, 1785-1873; Cox, Samuel H. (Samuel Hanson), 1793-1880; Skinner, Thomas H. (Thomas Harvey), 1791-1871; De Witt, John, 1789-1831; Woodbridge, John Marshall; Sprague, William Buell, 1795-1876; Carnahan, James, 1775-1859; Rice, John H. (John Holt), 1777-1831; Woods, Leonard, 1774-1854; Wayland, Francis, 1796-1865; Snodgrass, William Davis, 1796-1886; Griffin, Edward Dorr, 1770-1837 Subject: Murray Street Church (New York, N.Y.))

5               Interviews: Memorable and Useful; from Diary and Memory Reproduced. (1853) (Author: Cox, Samuel Hanson, 1793-1881; Chalmers, Thomas, 1780-1847; Emmons, Nathanael, 1745-1840; Adams, John Quincy, 1767-1848)

6               Patient Continuation in Well-Doing: A Memoir of Elihu W. Baldwin, D.D. First Pastor of the Seventh Presbyterian Church, New-York, and First President of Wabash College. By Rev. Edwin Francis Hatfield. With an Introduction, by Samuel Hanson Cox, D.D. (1843) (Author: Hatfield, Edwin F. (Edwin Francis), 1807-1883; Cox, Samuel Hanson, 1793-1881 Subject: Baldwin, Elihu W. (Elihu Whittlesey), 1789-1840)

7               Quakerism not Christianity: or, Reasons for Renouncing the Doctrine of Friends. (1833)

8               Quakerism versus Calvinism: Being a reply to 'Quakerism not Christianity':, or, Reasons for Renouncing the Doctrine of Friends, by Samuel Hanson Cox, Pastor of the Laight-Street Presbyterian Church, and for Twenty Years a Member of the Society of Friends. (microfilm) (1834) (Author: Reese, David Meredith, 1800-1861 Subject: Cox, Samuel H. (Samuel Hanson), 1793-1880; Society of Friends -- Doctrines)

9               Sermons on Different Subjects. Delivered in England and America, by Rev. Edward Norris Kirk, A.M., Late Pastor of the Fourth Presbyterian Church, Albany, N. Y. With an Introduction by Samuel Hanson Cox, D.D. (1842) (Author: Kirk, Edward N. (Edward Norris), 1802-1874; Cox, Samuel H. (Samuel Hanson), 1793-1880)

10            Slavery in America: or, An Inquiry into the Character and Tendency of the American Colonization and the American Anti-Slavery Societies. By William Jay. With an Introduction to this Edition, by S. H. Cox, D.D., Late of New York, and now Professor of Sacred Literature in Auburn College. Edited by John Morison, D.D. (1835)

11            The Bright and Blessed Destination of the World: A Discourse delivered at Pittsfield, Mass. On the Evening of Tuesday, Sept 11, 1849, before the Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. (1849)

12            The Dead are the Living: A Sermon Preached on Lord’s Day afternoon, Oct. 1, 1843, on Occasion of the Funeral of Mrs. Mary L. Stafford, Wife of Rev. Ward Stafford A. M. of this City. (1843) (Subject: Stafford, Mary L. (Mary Lettisse), 1808-1843)

13            The History of the Popes. From the Foundation of the See of Rome to A. D. 1758; By Archibald Bower, Esq. Formerly Public Professor of Rhetoric, History, and Philosophy, in the Universities of Rome, Fermo, and Macerata, and in the Latter Place, Counsellor of the Inquisition. With an Introduction, and a Continuation to the Present Time: By Rev. Samuel Hanson Cox, D.D. Professor Extraordinary of Biblical and Christian History in the Union Theological Seminary, New York. In Three Volumes. Volume 1 (1845) (Author: Bower, Archibald, 1686-1766; Cox, Samuel H. (Samuel Hanson), 1793-1880)

14            The History of the Popes. From the Foundation of the See of Rome to A. D. 1758; By Archibald Bower, Esq. Formerly Public Professor of Rhetoric, History, and Philosophy, in the Universities of Rome, Fermo, and Macerata, and in the Latter Place, Counsellor of the Inquisition. With an Introduction, and a Continuation to the Present Time: By Rev. Samuel Hanson Cox, D.D. Professor Extraordinary of Biblical and Christian History in the Union Theological Seminary, New York. In Three Volumes. Volume 2 (1845) (Author: Bower, Archibald, 1686-1766; Cox, Samuel H. (Samuel Hanson), 1793-1880)

15            The History of the Popes. From the Foundation of the See of Rome to A. D. 1758; By Archibald Bower, Esq. Formerly Public Professor of Rhetoric, History, and Philosophy, in the Universities of Rome, Fermo, and Macerata, and in the Latter Place, Counsellor of the Inquisition. With an Introduction, and a Continuation to the Present Time: By Rev. Samuel Hanson Cox, D.D. Professor Extraordinary of Biblical and Christian History in the Union Theological Seminary, New York. In Three Volumes. Volume 3 (1845) (Author: Bower, Archibald, 1686-1766; Cox, Samuel H. (Samuel Hanson), 1793-1880)

16            The Ministry We Need: Three Inaugural Discourses, delivered at Auburn, June 18, 1835. (1835) (Author: Cox, Samuel H. (Samuel Hanson), 1793-1880, ed; Adams, John Watson, 1796-1850; Phelps, Eliakim, 1790-1880)

17            The Mysteries of Tobacco, by Benjamin Ingersol Lane, Introduction by Samuel H. Cox and former President John Quincy Adams (1845) (Author: Lane, Benjamin Ingersol, 1797-1875; Cox, Samuel Hanson, 1793-1881; Tabor, Stephen J. W. (Stephen James Wilson), 1815-1883, former owner.)

18            Theopneuston: or, Select Scriptures considered: Adapted to Bible Classes, Sunday School Teachers, Etc. (1842)

19            Vindication of the Society of Friends: Being a reply to a review of Cox on Quakerism, Published in the Biblical Repertory. (1834) (Author: Lewis, Enoch, 1776-1856 Subject: Cox, Samuel H. (Samuel Hanson), 1793-1880; Society of Friends)


Reformed Beliefs C

1               Advent, a Mystery. (1837)

2               An Apology for the Common English Bible: And a Review of the Extraordinary Changes made in it by Managers of the American Bible Society. (1857)

3               Apollos: or, The Way of God: A Plea for the Religion of Scripture. (1873)

4               Assault of the Bishop of Western New York upon the Dean of the General Theological Seminary, and the Dean’s Reply… (1875) (Author: Coxe, A. Cleveland (Arthur Cleveland), 1818-1896; Seymour, George Franklin, Bp., 1829-1906 Subject: Seymour, George Franklin, Bp., 1829-1906; Coxe, A. Cleveland (Arthur Cleveland), 1818-1896; New York. General Theological Seminary of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States; Episcopal Church)

5               Athanasion. (1842)

6               Christian Ballads. (1840)

7               Halloween: A Romaunt, with lays, Meditative and Devotional. (1845)

8               Holy Writ and Modern Thought: A Review of Times and Teachers. (1892)

9               Impressions of England: or, Sketches of English Scenery and Society. (1863)

10            Institutes of Christian History; an Introduction to Historic Reading and Study. (1887)

11            Moral Reforms Suggested in a Pastoral Letter. With remarks on Practical Religion. (1869) (Subject: Christian ethics; Women)

12            Poems: Sacred and Secular. (1861) (Author: Arthur Cleveland Coxe , William Croswell)

13            Saint Jonathan, the Lay of a Scald. (1838)

14            Saul, a Mystery. (1845)

15            Sermons on Doctrine and Duty. (1855)

16            Stories for Sundays Illustrating the Catechism. (1869) (Author: Sherwood, Mrs. (Mary Martha), 1775-1851; Coxe, A. Cleveland (Arthur Cleveland), 1818-1896; J.B. Lippincott & Co., publisher
Church of England; Sunday school literature)

17            The Ante-Nicene Fathers. Translations of the Writings of the Fathers down to A.D. 325. In Nine Volumes. Volume 1 (1913) (v. 1. The apostolic fathers, Justin Martyr, Irenaeus.) (Author: Roberts, Alexander, 1826-1901; Donaldson, James, Sir, 1831-1915; Coxe, A. Cleveland (Arthur Cleveland), 1818-1896; Menzies, Allan, 1845-1916; Richardson, Ernest Cushing, 1860-1939; Pick, Bernhard, 1842-1917)

18            The Ante-Nicene Fathers. Translations of the Writings of the Fathers down to A.D. 325. In Nine Volumes. Volume 2 (1913) (v. 2. Fathers of the second century: Hermas, Tatian, Athenagoras, Theophilus, and Clement of Alexandria. (entire)) (Author: Roberts, Alexander, 1826-1901; Donaldson, James, Sir, 1831-1915; Coxe, A. Cleveland (Arthur Cleveland), 1818-1896; Menzies, Allan, 1845-1916; Richardson, Ernest Cushing, 1860-1939; Pick, Bernhard, 1842-1917)

19            The Ante-Nicene Fathers. Translations of the Writings of the Fathers down to A.D. 325. In Nine Volumes. Volume 3 (1918) (v. 3. Latin Christianity: its founder, Tertullian. I. Apologetic; II. Anti-Marcion; III. Ethical.) (Author: Roberts, Alexander, 1826-1901; Donaldson, James, Sir, 1831-1915; Coxe, A. Cleveland (Arthur Cleveland), 1818-1896; Menzies, Allan, 1845-1916; Richardson, Ernest Cushing, 1860-1939; Pick, Bernhard, 1842-1917)

20            The Ante-Nicene Fathers. Translations of the Writings of the Fathers down to A.D. 325. In Nine Volumes. Volume 4 (1913) (v. 4. Tertullian, pt. 4th; Minucius Felix; Commodian; Origen, pts. 1st and 2d.) (Author: Roberts, Alexander, 1826-1901; Donaldson, James, Sir, 1831-1915; Coxe, A. Cleveland (Arthur Cleveland), 1818-1896; Menzies, Allan, 1845-1916; Richardson, Ernest Cushing, 1860-1939; Pick, Bernhard, 1842-1917)

21            The Ante-Nicene Fathers. Translations of the Writings of the Fathers down to A.D. 325. In Nine Volumes. Volume 5 (1919) (v. 5. Hippolytus, Cyprian, Caius, Novatian, Appendix.) (Author: Roberts, Alexander, 1826-1901; Donaldson, James, Sir, 1831-1915; Coxe, A. Cleveland (Arthur Cleveland), 1818-1896; Menzies, Allan, 1845-1916; Richardson, Ernest Cushing, 1860-1939; Pick, Bernhard, 1842-1917)

22            The Ante-Nicene Fathers. Translations of the Writings of the Fathers down to A.D. 325. In Nine Volumes. Volume 6 (1890) (v. 6. Gregory Thaumaturgus, Dionysius the Great, Julius Africanus, Anatolius and minor writers, Methodius, Arnobius.) (Author: Roberts, Alexander, 1826-1901; Donaldson, James, Sir, 1831-1915; Coxe, A. Cleveland (Arthur Cleveland), 1818-1896; Menzies, Allan, 1845-1916; Richardson, Ernest Cushing, 1860-1939; Pick, Bernhard, 1842-1917)

23            The Ante-Nicene Fathers. Translations of the Writings of the Fathers down to A.D. 325. In Nine Volumes. Volume 7 (1913) (v. 7. Lactantius, Venantius, Asterius, Victorinus, Dionysius, Apostolic teaching and constitutions, Homily, and Liturgies.) (Author: Roberts, Alexander, 1826-1901; Donaldson, James, Sir, 1831-1915; Coxe, A. Cleveland (Arthur Cleveland), 1818-1896; Menzies, Allan, 1845-1916; Richardson, Ernest Cushing, 1860-1939; Pick, Bernhard, 1842-1917)

24            The Ante-Nicene Fathers. Translations of the Writings of the Fathers down to A.D. 325. In Nine Volumes. Volume 8 (1916) (v. 8. The twelve patriarchs, Excerpts and epistles, The Clementina, Apocrypha, Decretals, Memoirs of Edessa and Syriac documents, Remains of the first ages.) (Author: Roberts, Alexander, 1826-1901; Donaldson, James, Sir, 1831-1915; Coxe, A. Cleveland (Arthur Cleveland), 1818-1896; Menzies, Allan, 1845-1916; Richardson, Ernest Cushing, 1860-1939; Pick, Bernhard, 1842-1917)

25            The Ante-Nicene Fathers. Translations of the Writings of the Fathers down to A.D. 325. In Nine Volumes. Volume 9 (1912) (v. 9. Gospel of Peter, Diatessaron of Tatian, Apocalypse of Peter, Visio Pauli, Apocalypses of the Virgin and Sedrach, Testament of Abraham, Acts of Xanthippe and Polyxena, Narrative of Zosimus, Apology of Aristides, Epistles of Clement (complete text), Origen's Commentary on John, books I-X, and Commentary on Matthew, books I, II, and X-XIV.) (Author: Roberts, Alexander, 1826-1901; Donaldson, James, Sir, 1831-1915; Coxe, A. Cleveland (Arthur Cleveland), 1818-1896; Menzies, Allan, 1845-1916; Richardson, Ernest Cushing, 1860-1939; Pick, Bernhard, 1842-1917)

26            The Ante-Nicene Fathers. Translations of the Writings of the Fathers down to A.D. 325. In Nine Volumes. Volume 10 (1917) (v.10. Bibliographical synopsis, by Ernest C. Richardson. General index, by Bernhard Pick.) (Author: Roberts, Alexander, 1826-1901; Donaldson, James, Sir, 1831-1915; Coxe, A. Cleveland (Arthur Cleveland), 1818-1896; Menzies, Allan, 1845-1916; Richardson, Ernest Cushing, 1860-1939; Pick, Bernhard, 1842-1917)

27            The Church and the Press: or, Christian Literature the Inheritance of the Church, and the Press an Educator and an Evangelist. (1859)

28            The Criterion: A means of Distinguishing Truth from Error, in Questions of our Times: With four letters on the Eirenicon of Dr. Pusey. (1866) (Author: Coxe, A. Cleveland (Arthur Cleveland), 1818-1896 Subject: Pusey, E. B. (Edward Bouverie), 1800-1882)

29            The Genesis of the American Prayer Book: A Survey of the Origin and Development of the Liturgy of the Church of the United States. (1893)

30            The History and Teachings of the Early Church as a basis for the Re-Union of Christendom: Lectures Delivered in 1888, under the Auspices of the Church Club, in Christ Church, New York. (1892) (Author: Church Club of New York; Coxe, A. Cleveland (Arthur Cleveland), 1818-1896
Church history -- Primitive and early church, ca. 30-600; Christian union)

31            The Lady Chace: A Ballad. (1877)

32            The Papacy: Its Historic Origin and Primitive Relations with the Eastern Churches. (1867) (Author: Guettée (Wladimir ), Arthur Cleveland Coxe, abbé Guettée)

33            The Paschal: Poems for Passion-Tide and Easter. (1889)

34            Thoughts on the Services; Designed as an Introduction to the Liturgy, and an aid to its Devout use. (1866)


Reformed Beliefs C

1               Seven Rules to be Observed in Preparing to Hear the Word of God: Taken from “The Knowledge and Practice,” of Samuel Cradock. (1832)

2               Knowledge and Practice: or, A Plain Discourse of the Chief Things Necessary to be Known, Believed, and Practiced in Order to Salvation. Drawn up, and Principally Intended for the use and Benefit of North-Cadbury in Somersetshire, by Samuel Cradock, B.D. and Pastor there: sometime Fellow of Emmanuel College in Cambridge. (1659)


Reformed Beliefs C

 1               A Short Sum of the Whole Catechism, by John Craig. Reprinted in Facsimile from the Original Edition of 1581. With an Introductory Memoir of the Author by Thomas Graves Law. (1883)

Reformed Beliefs C

1               Scotch and Irish Seeds in American Soil: The Early History of the Scotch and Irish Churches, and               their Relations to the Presbyterian Church of America. (1878) (Author: Craighead, J. G. (James       Geddes), 1823-1895)

2               The Craighead Family: A Genealogical Memoir of the Descendants of Rev. Thomas and Margaret            Craighead, 1658-1876. By Rev. James Geddes Craighead, D.D. (1876) (Subject: Craighead,   Thomas, d. 1739; Craighead family)

3               The Story of Marcus Whitman; Early Protestant Missions in the Northwest. (1895) (Subject:   Whitman, Marcus, 1802-1847)


Reformed Beliefs C

1               Vigilius Dormitans. Rome's Seer Overseen: or, A Treatise of the Fifth General Council Held at Constantinople, Anno 553, under Justininan the Emperor, in the Time of Pope Vigilius: The Occasion being those Tria Capitula, which for many Years Troubled the Whole Church. Wherein is Proved that the Pope’s Apostolical Constitution and Definitive Sentence in Matter of Faith, was Condemned as Heretical by the Synod. And the Exceeding Frauds of Cardinal Baronius and Binius are Clearly Discovered. By Richard Crakanthorp, Doctor in Divinity, and Chaplain in Ordinary to His Late Majesty King James. Opus Posthumum. Published and set forth by his Brother George Crakanthorp, According to a Perfect copy found Written under the Author’s own Hand. (1631)


Cranz, David (Brethren) (1723-1777)

Reformed Beliefs C

1               The History of Greenland. In Two Volumes. Volume 1 (1767) (Author: Cranz, David, 1723-1777; Gambold, John, 1711-1771. ed Subject: Moravian Church; Missions)

2               The History of Greenland. In Two Volumes. Volume 2 (1767) (Author: Cranz, David, 1723-1777; Gambold, John, 1711-1771. ed Subject: Moravian Church; Missions)


Craufurd, Thomas (Anglican or Presbyterian) (?-1662)

Reformed Beliefs C

1               History of the University of Edinburgh from 1580-1646. By Thomas Craufurd, A.M., Professor of Philosophy and Mathematics in the College of Edinburgh in 1646. To Which is Prefixed the Charter Granted to the College by James VI of Scotland in 1582. (1808)


Crenius or Crusius, Thomas Theodorus (Dorotheus Sicurus - Pseudonym) (1648-1728)

Reformed Beliefs C

1               The Origin of Atheism in the Popish and Protestant Churches. (1684)


Reformed Beliefs C

1               A Short Commentary, with Strictures, on certain parts of the Writings of Dr. Paley and Mr.         Gisborne. To which are added, as a Supplement, Observations on the Duties of Trustees and       Conductors of Grammar Schools, and Two Sermons, on Purity of Principle, and the Penal Laws.               (1797)

2               Eight Sermons Preached before the University of Oxford, in the Year 1786. At the Lecture           founded by the Late Rev. John Bampton, M.A., Canon of Salisbury. By George Croft, D.D., Late     Fellow of University College, Vicar of Arncliffe, Master of the Grammar School in Brewood, and                Chaplain to the Right Honorable the Earl of Elgin. (1786)          

3               Plans of Parliamentary Reform, Proved to be Visionary, in a Letter to the Rev. C. Wyvill, Late   Chairman of the Associations. (1793) (Author: Croft, George, 1747-1809; Wyvill, Christopher,         1740-1822)


Reformed Beliefs C

1               William Croft by Roger Slade.

2               William Croft.

3               Ann's.

4               Burial Service.

5               Give the King Thy Judgments.

6               God is Gone Up with a Merry Noise.

7               Historical Account of Lisbon College. (1902) (Author: Croft, William, 1678-1727; Kirk, John, 1760-1851; Gillow, Joseph, 1850-1921 Subject: Lisbon College (Portugal))

8               Laudate Dominium.

9               Put Me not to Rebuke.

10            St. Anne O God, Our Help in Ages Past.

11            Turn Thee, O Lord.


Reformed Beliefs C

1               Ta Diapheronta or Divine Characters in Two Parts, Acutely Distinguishing the more Secret and Undiscerned Differences between: 1 the Hypocrite in His Best Dress of seeming Virtues and formal Duties. And the True Christian in his Real Graces and Sincere Obedience. As also between: 2 The Blackest Weeds of Daily Infirmities of the Truly Godly, Eclipsing Saving Grace, and the Reigning sins of the Unregenerate that pretend unto the Godliness they never had. By that late burning and Shining Lamp, Samuel Crook, B.D. late Pastor of Wrington in Somerset. Who being Dead yet Speaketh. (1658)


Reformed Beliefs C

1               A Reasonable Faith: Plain Sermons on Familiar Christian Evidences. By Arthur Crosby, Pastor of the Presbyterian Church of San Rafael, California. (1889)


Reformed Beliefs C

1               At the Lord’s Table. Thoughts on Communion and Fellowship. (1894)

2               Expository Notes on the Book of Joshua. (1875)

3               George Henry Moore, LL. D.; A Memoir. (1870) (Subject: Moore, George Henry, 1823-1892)

4               Inauguration of Rev. Howard Crosby D. D., as Chancellor of the University of the City of New York (New York University), November 17, 1870. (1871)

5               Lands of the Moslem: A Narrative of Oriental Travel. (1851)

6               Memorial Papers and Reminiscences of Howard Crosby, D. D. LL. D. (1892)

7               Moderation vs. Total Abstinence: or, Dr. Crosby and his Reviewers. (1881)

8               Select Sermons of Howard Crosby. (1891)

9               The Bible on the Side of Science. A Lecture Delivered in New York, on Dec. 14, 1874, before the Society for the Advancement of Science and Art. By Howard Crosby, D.D., LL.D., Chancellor of the University of the City of New York. (1875)

10            The Book of Nehemiah, Critically and Theologically Expounded, including the Homiletical sections of Dr. Schultz (1877) (Author: Crosby, Howard, 1826-1891; Schultz, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1828-1888; Lange, Johann Peter, 1802-1884)

11            The Christian Preacher: Yale Lectures for 1879-1880. (1880)

12            The Healthy Christian: An Appeal to the Church. (1871)

13            The New Testament in both Authorized and Revised Versions. (1884)

14            The New Testament, with brief Explanatory notes or Scholia. (1863)

15            The True Humanity of Christ. (1880)

16            Thoughts on the Decalogue. (1873)

17            Twentieth Anniversary of the Settlement of Howard Crosby, D. D., as Pastor of the Fourth Avenue Presbyterian Church, March 5, 1883, in the Church, Fourth Avenue and Twenty-Second Street. (1883) (Author: Prime, Samuel Irenæus, 1812-1885; Crosby, Howard, 1826-1891)


Croskery, Thomas (Presbyterian) (1830-1886)

Reformed Beliefs C

1               A Catechism on the Doctrines of the Plymouth Brethren. (microfilm) (1879)

2               Plymouth Brethrenism, a Refutation of its Principles and Doctrines. (1879)

3               The Pulpit Commentary, Edited by the very Rev. H. D. M. Spense, M.A., D.D., Dean of Gloucester; and by the Rev. Joseph S. Exell, M.A. The Gospel of St. John. Introduction and Exposition: By Rev. H. R. Reynolds, D.D., President and Professor of Theology, Cheshunt College; Fellow of University College, London. Homiletics: By Rev. Prof. T.  Croskery, D.D., Late Professor of Systematic Theology, Magee College, Londonderry. Homilies by Various Authors: Rev. Prof. J. R. Thomson, M.A. Rev. D. Young, B.A. Rev. B. Thomas. Rev. George Brown, B.A. Volume 1 (1845) (Chapter 1-Chapter 8) (Author: Reynolds, Henry Robert, 1825-1896; Croskery, Thomas, 1830-1886)

4               The Pulpit Commentary, Edited by the very Rev. H. D. M. Spense, M.A., D.D., Dean of Gloucester; and by the Rev. Joseph S. Exell, M.A. The Gospel of St. John. Introduction and Exposition: By Rev. H. R. Reynolds, D.D., President and Professor of Theology, Cheshunt College; Fellow of University College, London. Homiletics: By Rev. Prof. T.  Croskery, D.D., Late Professor of Systematic Theology, Magee College, Londonderry. Homilies by Various Authors: Rev. Prof. J. R. Thomson, M.A. Rev. D. Young, B.A. Rev. B. Thomas. Rev. George Brown, B.A. Volume 2 (1845) (Chapter 9-Chapter 21) (Author: Reynolds, Henry Robert, 1825-1896; Croskery, Thomas, 1830-1886)


Cross, Jonathan (Presbyterian) (?-1876)

Reformed Beliefs C

1               Five Years in the Alleghenies. (1863)

2               Illustrations of the Shorter Catechism for Children and Youth. In Two Volumes. Volume 1 (1864)

3               Illustrations of the Shorter Catechism for Children and Youth. In Two Volumes. Volume 2 (1864)

4               The Pilgrim Boy, with Lessons from his History: A Narrative of Facts. (1857)

Reformed Beliefs C

1               A Treatise Concerning Eternal and Immutable Morality. (1731) (Author: Cudworth, Ralph, 1617-1688; Chandler, Edward, 1668?-1750; Adams, John, 1735-1826, former owner.)

2               Mr. Ralph Cudworth’s Sermon Preached before the Honorable House of Commons, at Westminster, on March 31, 1647. Reprinted and Dedicated to W. M. Thackeray, Esquire. (1852)

3               Piety without Asceticism: or, The Protestant Kempis: A Manual of Christian Faith and Practice, Selected from the Writings of Scougal, Charles How, and Cudworth, with Corrections, and Occasional Notes. By John Jebb, D.D., F.R.S. Bishop of Limerick, Ardfert, and Aghadoe. (1830) (Author: Jebb, John, 1775-1833; Scougal, Henry, 1650-1678; How, Charles; Cudworth, Ralph, 1617-1688) (Scougal's Nature and Excellency of the Christian religion -- Discourses on important subjects / Henry Scougal -- How's Devout meditations -- Two sermons / Ralph Cudworth)


4               The Philosophy of Ralph Cudworth: A Study of the True Intellectual System of the Universe. (1884) (Author: Lowrey, Charles E. (Charles Emmet), d. 1894)

5               The True Intellectual System of the Universe: The First Part, wherein All the Reason and Philosophy of Atheism is Confuted, and its Impossibility Demonstrated. With a Discourse Concerning the True Notion of the Lord’s Supper; and Two Sermons, on I John 2:3,4, and I Cor. 15:57. By Ralph Cudworth, D.D. The Second Edition; In which are now First added References to the Several Quotations in the Intellectual System; and an Account of the Life and Writings of the Author: By Thomas Birch, M.A. and F.R.S. In Two Volumes. Volume 1 (1743) (Author: Cudworth, Ralph, 1617-1688; Birch, Thomas, 1705-1766)

6               The True Intellectual System of the Universe: Wherein All the Reason and Philosophy of Atheism is Confuted, and its Impossibility Demonstrated. With a Discourse Concerning the True Notion of the Lord’s Supper; and Two Sermons, on I John 2:3,4, and I Cor. 15:57. By Ralph Cudworth, D.D. The Second Edition; In which are now First added References to the Several Quotations in the Intellectual System; and an Account of the Life and Writings of the Author: By Thomas Birch, M.A. and F.R.S. In Two Volumes. Volume 2 (1743) (Author: Cudworth, Ralph, 1617-1688; Birch, Thomas, 1705-1766)

7               The True Intellectual System of the Universe: Wherein all the Reason and Philosophy of Atheism is Confuted, and its Impossibility Demonstrated, with a Treatise Concerning Eternal and Immutable Morality. By Ralph Cudworth, D.D. To which are added, the Notes and Dissertations of Dr. J. L. Mosheim, Translated by John Harrison, M.A. With a Copious General Index to the Whole Work.  In Three Volumes. Volume 1 (1845) (Author: Cudworth, Ralph, 1617-1688; Mosheim, Johann Lorenz, 1694?-1755; Birch, Thomas, 1705-1766; Harrison, John)

8               The True Intellectual System of the Universe: Wherein all the Reason and Philosophy of Atheism is Confuted, and its Impossibility Demonstrated, with a Treatise Concerning Eternal and Immutable Morality. By Ralph Cudworth, D.D. To which are added, the Notes and Dissertations of Dr. J. L. Mosheim, Translated by John Harrison, M.A. With a Copious General Index to the Whole Work.  In Three Volumes. Volume 2 (1845) (Author: Cudworth, Ralph, 1617-1688; Mosheim, Johann Lorenz, 1694?-1755; Birch, Thomas, 1705-1766; Harrison, John)

9               The True Intellectual System of the Universe: Wherein all the Reason and Philosophy of Atheism is Confuted, and its Impossibility Demonstrated, with a Treatise Concerning Eternal and Immutable Morality. By Ralph Cudworth, D.D. To which are added, the Notes and Dissertations of Dr. J. L. Mosheim, Translated by John Harrison, M.A. With a Copious General Index to the Whole Work.  In Three Volumes. Volume 3 (1845) (Author: Cudworth, Ralph, 1617-1688; Mosheim, Johann Lorenz, 1694?-1755; Birch, Thomas, 1705-1766; Harrison, John)

10            The Works of Ralph Cudworth, D.D. Containing The True Intellectual System of the Universe, Sermons, Etc. A New Edition, with References to the Several Quotations in the Intellectual System, and a Life of the Author. By Thomas Birch, M.A., F.R.S. In Four Volumes. Volume 1 (1829)

11            The Works of Ralph Cudworth, D.D. Containing The True Intellectual System of the Universe, Sermons, Etc. A New Edition, with References to the Several Quotations in the Intellectual System, and a Life of the Author. By Thomas Birch, M.A., F.R.S. In Four Volumes. Volume 2 (1829)

12            The Works of Ralph Cudworth, D.D. Containing The True Intellectual System of the Universe, Sermons, Etc. A New Edition, with References to the Several Quotations in the Intellectual System, and a Life of the Author. By Thomas Birch, M.A., F.R.S. In Four Volumes. Volume 3 (1829)

13            The Works of Ralph Cudworth, D.D. Containing The True Intellectual System of the Universe, Sermons, Etc. A New Edition, with References to the Several Quotations in the Intellectual System, and a Life of the Author. By Thomas Birch, M.A., F.R.S. In Four Volumes. Volume 4 (1829)

14            They Know Christ who Keep His Commandments. (1858)


Reformed Beliefs C

1               Bishop Cummins on the Prayer Book: A Sermon Preached before the Annual Convention of the Church in Kentucky, in 1867. (microfilm) (1874)

2               Four Documents: Bishop Cummin’s Letter of “Abandonment of the Communion of the Church.” Bishop Alfred Lee’s “Open Letter,” in Reply: Bishop Cummin’s Sermon in Defense of the Prayer Book: Bishop John’s Letter in reply to the Letter of the Rev. Mr. Latane. (1874) (Cummins, George David, bishop, 1822-1876; Lee, Alfred, 1807-1887; Johns, John, 1796-1876)

3               Life of Mrs. Virginia Hale Hoffman, Late of the Protestant Episcopal Mission to Western Africa.  (1859) (Subject: Hoffman, Virginia Haviside (Hale), 1832-1856)

4               Memoir of George David Cummins, D. D., First Bishop of the Reformed Episcopal Church (1878) (Author: Cummins, Alexandrine Macomb)

5               The African a Trust from God to the American. (1861)


Cunningham, William (Presbyterian) (1805-1861)

Reformed Beliefs C

1               Discussions on Church Principles: Popish, Erastian, and Presbyterian. (1863)

2               Life of William Cunningham, D.D.: Principal and Professor of Theology and Church History, New College, Edinburgh. (1871) (Author: Rainy, Robert, 1826-1906; Mackenzie, James
Cunningham, William, 1805-1861; Free Church of Scotland)

3               Sermons from 1828 to 1860. (1872)

4               The Works of William Cunningham. In Three Volumes. Volume 1 (The Reformers and the Theology of the Reformation.) (1866)

5               The Works of William Cunningham. In Three Volumes. Volume 2 (Historical Theology - Volume 1) (1870) (Subject: Jesus Christ; Council of Trent (1545-1563); Trinity, Doctrine of the; Albigenses; Atonement; Arminianism; Church; Canons, Cathedral, collegiate, etc; Church and state; Church polity; Creeds; Erastianism; Fall, the; Fathers of the church; Heresy; Justification (Christian theology); Pelagianism; Sacraments; Saints; Scholasticism; Socinianism; Will; Waldenses)

6               The Works of William Cunningham. In Three Volumes. Volume 3 (Historical Theology - Volume 2) (1870) (Subject: Jesus Christ; Council of Trent (1545-1563); Trinity, Doctrine of the; Albigenses; Atonement; Arminianism; Church; Canons, Cathedral, collegiate, etc; Church and state; Church polity; Creeds; Erastianism; Fall, the; Fathers of the church; Heresy; Justification (Christian theology); Pelagianism; Sacraments; Saints; Scholasticism; Socinianism; Will; Waldenses)


Curtis, Thomas (fl. 1820)

Reformed Beliefs C

1               A London Encyclopedia, or, Universal Dictionary of Science, Art, Literature, and Practical Mechanics, Comprising a Popular view of the Present State of Knowledge. Illustrated by Numerous Engravings, a General Atlas, and Appropriate Diagrams. In Twenty-Two Volumes.  Volume 1 (1837)

2               A London Encyclopedia, or, Universal Dictionary of Science, Art, Literature, and Practical Mechanics, Comprising a Popular view of the Present State of Knowledge. Illustrated by Numerous Engravings, a General Atlas, and Appropriate Diagrams. In Twenty-Two Volumes. Volume 2 (1829)

3               A London Encyclopedia, or, Universal Dictionary of Science, Art, Literature, and Practical Mechanics, Comprising a Popular view of the Present State of Knowledge. Illustrated by Numerous Engravings, a General Atlas, and Appropriate Diagrams. In Twenty-Two Volumes. Volume 3 (1829)

4               A London Encyclopedia, or, Universal Dictionary of Science, Art, Literature, and Practical Mechanics, Comprising a Popular view of the Present State of Knowledge. Illustrated by Numerous Engravings, a General Atlas, and Appropriate Diagrams. In Twenty-Two Volumes. Volume 4 (1829)

5               A London Encyclopedia, or, Universal Dictionary of Science, Art, Literature, and Practical Mechanics, Comprising a Popular view of the Present State of Knowledge. Illustrated by Numerous Engravings, a General Atlas, and Appropriate Diagrams. In Twenty-Two Volumes. Volume 5 (1829)

6               A London Encyclopedia, or, Universal Dictionary of Science, Art, Literature, and Practical Mechanics, Comprising a Popular view of the Present State of Knowledge. Illustrated by Numerous Engravings, a General Atlas, and Appropriate Diagrams. In Twenty-Two Volumes. Volume 6 (1829)

7               A London Encyclopedia, or, Universal Dictionary of Science, Art, Literature, and Practical Mechanics, Comprising a Popular view of the Present State of Knowledge. Illustrated by Numerous Engravings, a General Atlas, and Appropriate Diagrams. In Twenty-Two Volumes. Volume 7 (1829)

8               A London Encyclopedia, or, Universal Dictionary of Science, Art, Literature, and Practical Mechanics, Comprising a Popular view of the Present State of Knowledge. Illustrated by Numerous Engravings, a General Atlas, and Appropriate Diagrams. In Twenty-Two Volumes. Volume 8 (1829)

9               A London Encyclopedia, or, Universal Dictionary of Science, Art, Literature, and Practical Mechanics, Comprising a Popular view of the Present State of Knowledge. Illustrated by Numerous Engravings, a General Atlas, and Appropriate Diagrams. In Twenty-Two Volumes. Volume 9 (1829)

10            A London Encyclopedia, or, Universal Dictionary of Science, Art, Literature, and Practical Mechanics, Comprising a Popular view of the Present State of Knowledge. Illustrated by Numerous Engravings, a General Atlas, and Appropriate Diagrams. In Twenty-Two Volumes. Volume 10 (1829)

11            A London Encyclopedia, or, Universal Dictionary of Science, Art, Literature, and Practical Mechanics, Comprising a Popular view of the Present State of Knowledge. Illustrated by Numerous Engravings, a General Atlas, and Appropriate Diagrams. In Twenty-Two Volumes. Volume 11 (1829)

12            A London Encyclopedia, or, Universal Dictionary of Science, Art, Literature, and Practical Mechanics, Comprising a Popular view of the Present State of Knowledge. Illustrated by Numerous Engravings, a General Atlas, and Appropriate Diagrams. In Twenty-Two Volumes. Volume 12 (1829)

13            A London Encyclopedia, or, Universal Dictionary of Science, Art, Literature, and Practical Mechanics, Comprising a Popular view of the Present State of Knowledge. Illustrated by Numerous Engravings, a General Atlas, and Appropriate Diagrams. In Twenty-Two Volumes. Volume 13 (1829)

14            A London Encyclopedia, or, Universal Dictionary of Science, Art, Literature, and Practical Mechanics, Comprising a Popular view of the Present State of Knowledge. Illustrated by Numerous Engravings, a General Atlas, and Appropriate Diagrams. In Twenty-Two Volumes. Volume 14 (1829)

15            A London Encyclopedia, or, Universal Dictionary of Science, Art, Literature, and Practical Mechanics, Comprising a Popular view of the Present State of Knowledge. Illustrated by Numerous Engravings, a General Atlas, and Appropriate Diagrams. In Twenty-Two Volumes. Volume 15 (1829)

16            A London Encyclopedia, or, Universal Dictionary of Science, Art, Literature, and Practical Mechanics, Comprising a Popular view of the Present State of Knowledge. Illustrated by Numerous Engravings, a General Atlas, and Appropriate Diagrams. In Twenty-Two Volumes. Volume 16 (1829)

17            A London Encyclopedia, or, Universal Dictionary of Science, Art, Literature, and Practical Mechanics, Comprising a Popular view of the Present State of Knowledge. Illustrated by Numerous Engravings, a General Atlas, and Appropriate Diagrams. In Twenty-Two Volumes. Volume 17 (1829)

18            A London Encyclopedia, or, Universal Dictionary of Science, Art, Literature, and Practical Mechanics, Comprising a Popular view of the Present State of Knowledge. Illustrated by Numerous Engravings, a General Atlas, and Appropriate Diagrams. In Twenty-Two Volumes. Volume 18 (1829)

19            A London Encyclopedia, or, Universal Dictionary of Science, Art, Literature, and Practical Mechanics, Comprising a Popular view of the Present State of Knowledge. Illustrated by Numerous Engravings, a General Atlas, and Appropriate Diagrams. In Twenty-Two Volumes. Volume 19 (1829)

20            A London Encyclopedia, or, Universal Dictionary of Science, Art, Literature, and Practical Mechanics, Comprising a Popular view of the Present State of Knowledge. Illustrated by Numerous Engravings, a General Atlas, and Appropriate Diagrams. In Twenty-Two Volumes. Volume 20 (1829)

21            A London Encyclopedia, or, Universal Dictionary of Science, Art, Literature, and Practical Mechanics, Comprising a Popular view of the Present State of Knowledge. Illustrated by Numerous Engravings, a General Atlas, and Appropriate Diagrams. In Twenty-Two Volumes. Volume 21 (1837)

22            A London Encyclopedia, or, Universal Dictionary of Science, Art, Literature, and Practical Mechanics, Comprising a Popular view of the Present State of Knowledge. Illustrated by Numerous Engravings, a General Atlas, and Appropriate Diagrams. In Twenty-Two Volumes. Volume 22 (1837)

23            Divine Amusement: A Select Collection of Psalms and Hymns as Sung at all the Principal Churches, Chapels and Dissenting Congregations; to which is added Kent’s Favorite Jubilate. (1810)

24            Funeral Sermon on the Occasion of the Death of the Hon. David Johnson: Preached at Limestone Springs and at Unionville, S. C., in March and April 1855, at the Request Respectively of the Executors of the Late Governor, and of a Committee of his Union Friends. (1855) (Subject: Johnson, David, b. 1782)

25            Inaugural Address: Delivered in the Hall of the House of Representatives, Columbia, before the Teacher's Association of South Carolina, December 3, 1850. (1851)

26            Notes of a Funeral Sermon on the Occasion of the Death of Mr. William G. Clark of Spartansburg District; Delivered at Providence Church near Limestone Springs, on the Lord’s Day, Aug. 5,1855. (1855)


Reformed Beliefs C

1               A Model Christian. (1903)

2               A Thirty Years’ Pastorate, with some Account of the Pulpit, the Preacher, and the People. (1890) (Subject: Cuyler, Theodore L. (Theodore Ledyard), 1822-1909; Brooklyn. Lafayette Avenue Presbyterian Church)

3               Beulah Land. (1896)

4               Campaigning for Christ. (microfilm) (1902)

5               From the Nile to Norway and Homeward. (1882)

6               God's Light on Dark Clouds. (1882)

7               Golden Thoughts on Mother, Home, and Heaven: From Poetic and Prose Literature of all Ages and all Lands. (1882)

8               Help and Good Cheer. (1902)

9               How to be a Pastor. (1890)

10            In Answer to Prayer. (1898) (Author: Carpenter, William Boyd, 1841-1918; Cuyler, Theodore L. (Theodore Ledyard), 1822-1909; Maclaren, Ian, 1850-1907)

11            In Memoriam, Mrs. Eleanor Bruce Stephens. (1871) (Author: Goodell, C. L; Cuyler, Theodore L. (Theodore Ledyard), 1822-1909; Bullock, Cynthia, b. 1821 Subject: Stephens, Eleanor Bruce, 1839-1868)

12            Intellect; and how to Use it. (1863)

13            Lafayette Avenue Church, its History and Commemorative Services, 1860-1885: Rev. Theodore L. Cuyler, Pastor. (1885) (Author: Brooklyn (New York, N.Y.). Lafayette Avenue Presbyterian Church Subject: Cuyler, Theodore Ledyard, 1822-1909)

14            Murdered Millions. (Author: Dowkontt, George D., 1842 or 3-1909; Cuyler, Theodore L. (Theodore Ledyard), 1822-1909 Subject: Missionaries, Medical; Missions and Missionaries)

15            Newly Enlisted, a Series of Talks with Young Converts. (1888)

16            Our Martyr President, Abraham Lincoln. Voices from the Pulpit of New York and Brooklyn. (1865) (Author: Williams, William R., 1804-1885; Beecher, Henry Ward, 1813-1887; Bellows, Henry W. (Henry Whitney), 1814-1882; Tyng, Stephen H. (Stephen Higginson), 1800-1885; Robinson, Charles Seymour, 1829-1899; Budington, William Ives, 1815-1879; McClintock, John, 1814-1870; Littlejohn, A. N. (Abram Newkirk), 1824-1901; Cuyler, Theodore L. (Theodore Ledyard), 1822-1909; Thompson, Joseph Parrish, 1819-1879; Eells, James, 1822-1886; Porter, Elbert Stothoff, b. 1819; Rogers, E. P. (Ebenezer Platt), 1817-1881; Burchard, S. D. (Samuel Dickinson), 1812-1891; Rockwell, J. E. (Joel Edson), 1816-1882; Spear, Samuel T. (Samuel Thayer), 1812-1891; Lowry, Robert, 1826-1899; Hunt, Albert S. (Albert Sanford), 1827-1898; Adams, William, 1807-1880; Fox, Henry J; Smith, Henry Boynton, 1815-1877; Bancroft, George, 1800-1891; Simpson, Matthew, 1811-1884)

17            Pointed Papers for the Christian Life. (1879)

18            Recollections of a Long Life: An Autobiography. (1902)

19            Right to the Point. (1884)

20            Stirring the Eagle's Nest: And other Practical Discourses (1892)

21            Stray Arrows. (1851)

22            The Empty Crib: A Memorial of Little Georgie (Cuyler) With Words of Consolation for Bereaved Parents. (1868) (Subject: Cuyler, George Sidney, 1863-1868)

23            The Young Preacher. (1893)

24            Thought-Hives. (1883)

25            Wayside Springs from the Fountain of Life. (1883)


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